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Dove, H.P. Letter to Horace Stone.
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W. Stormbridge August 7/47 Mr Stone Dear Sir Yours of the 4 [illegible] is before me I was glad to heare frome you we are all well and hope these lines will find you all enjoying the same In answer to the waggon I send for [illegible] he was to give $85 but I had rather sell it for $80 than to have it kept on hand if you sell it get a note [illegible] to a bank that gives me the use of the money in advance of the payment The 2 seat waggon with [illegible] & shafts I can send in 2 weeks after I heare from you and will send it at $[1]25 if it don't meet the exspecta tions of the man he need not take it you will know how to manage that as to a light waggon if you think there is a prospect of selling it I can send one on immediately at a time that will suit if you have something you want it [fashioned] [illegible] [illegible] it as near as you can in if I have nothing I will finish one immediately as to the lumber waggon for the Teamster if you think [illegible] will send it