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Post, Isaac. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Milton summer ____ April 28, 1856 Monday night
My dearest
____ We have just got through
tea, and been up to the Post office Lucy got letters + I none- We left Saratoga this morning at 9 o’clock, Weather pleasant, the ride was through_____ sandy region. but more interesting than it was from Skenectady, We came to Troy, through Waterford, we made no stop, or effort to look up friends, Stoped at Poughkeepsie, and expected to be obliged to wait two or three hours for a train that ____ at Milton, but I hapened to say, how pleasant it would be to go in a boat the distance is four miles When a man _____ up and said there is a row boat that goes up to Milton every afternoon at three o clock- We immediately took up