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Wheeler, Edward. Letter to Isaac Post.
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Pg. 2 Set of Spirits he is pursued and ____ ted until every particle of manhood has fled from his soul, and he becomes a fit associate for the ____ bedlam that composes this present _____. You have each noble beings, You yearn as earnestly and honestly for the sweets of a beautiful life that properly belongs to you as any body on Earth. You find in your aspira tions nothing but that which is noble, and if you had insisted upon having _____= fect uses of yourselves, and refused to compromise a point, you would have realized all your mighty souls could con tain. But you have always compromised early you took up Quakerism, and have with every awakened _____ of your being asked for yourselves, while some giddy trifle has cheated you into follow ing it, like abstract Spiritualism, or or toying children _____, with these matters you have consented to be ____ while spirits through their medicine con= tinue to throw dust in your eyes, and flatter you on, while at every turn they a= buse your noble confidence. They have always persisted in making drudges of you for their meanest tools, and have suffered you to use others to converse with your spirit friends. What a dia= bolical fraud. Why you yourselves are spirit to day, as much as you will ever be. Not a dear one who has thrown off the material who is more spirit than you are. Abandon then these extereal = iring follies, and find your own beau= tiful spirit natures, and you will find your spirit friends just where you find yourselves. No dear ones I seen _____ on this earth, have seen ____ so famil iar with me as chose I do not see but realize, until everry responding emotion of my being says satisfied I do not guess as ____ the world would forgive me, if I should say I thought this was so. But when I say I know it