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Post, Willet E. Letter to Isaac Post.

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Pg. 2 around a little. we each also sat out a small maple so as to be ___ certain that one would live. It is now third day evening. the end is near at hand this is our last study hour. yet it seems like the others Last seventh day evening we had something extra at the Lyceum. Essayh Declamation. Paper I wrote one piece for the paper, and read an Essay in favor of the Ballot for woman. the girls had a funny drama, No cue, no frag, was excelent. Seamans Sister, ____ ____, did expertly well she was an elderly aunt a little hard of hearing. and we boys had the Excitement, a piece that went so far beyond us to make it realy be in favour of womans rights. ____ is a little mean. Smith that lives near rather taller than Bonnie has two children at school. he is very

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