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Unknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.
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Pg. 2 she quoted a great deal of beautiful scripture, and appeared very sanctified through it all, Seventh day afternoon Amy left this unfinished letter here and said I might fill it in her absence but un til the present no opportunity has offered when I could do so a considerable portion of yesterday was taken up in attending a funeral at Hempstead of Thomas Nelson’s daughter a sister was buried about four weeks previous they both expressed many times during their illness that death did not appear terrible to them but on the contrary beautiful and to be desired their pilgrimage while here was for a long time one of suffering and trial which was probably a means of weaning them from the loved ones here once the beautiful objects which surround us in this state of existence Rachel was there and was exceedingly liberal in her views since there were probably members of several denominations present that she had no controversy with any ____ that she believed they all had sincere worshipers ___ ____ we could but contrast the difference in her feelings sometimes she condemns without ____ especially if they happen to benefit the body as well as the soul to do anything for the body is a crime which is to be everywhere spoken against as ema nating from selfish or worse motives for if necessary all this suffering would cease to exist that it is permitted for some wise purpose Amy has just come in so I will enjoy her company First day Amy returned to JMotts last night but is here now and while she takes a nap I will fill this side at least How I wish thee could be here and all enjoy together this visit which so far has been most pleasant imaginable and only needs the addition of thyself to make it complete You have all seen the proceedings of our anniversary meetings which give some idea of it ____ through out it was one of interest and encouragement Amy too has probably told all the particulars which _____