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Unknown writer. Letter to Isaac Post.

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Pg. 4 and then told what he observed when he traveled at then spoke of the remarkable polished stone that he saw at Rochester, his memory and sight and hearing are good, can see to read some large print with out spectacles and can see which* apple trees are in bloom up in the orchard, and the different hou ses at Hicksville as well as I can- I believe, how I should enjoy having him at Rochester awhile, he made? many inquiries about it, in different streets ____ his deportment I think has an excelent effect on mother and all around him-I wish I could be with him as long as he lives, It is near time for this to go to the office I guess I shall be obliged to send some blank paper I have just been down to see mother she looks and seems much more comfortable, though in bed yet I think she will soon be up, Thee can hardly think how pleasant it is to hear from thee so often and so much, do continue though I do not speak in reply to all, it is all interesting I ado not feel easy about Fredericks neglect of the Stars condition if he has not left when this arives do see to it, I wish we knew when they are, seems to me we shall look for them here seventh day- I wish thee would take a notion to come too ___Our Wheatly friends had quite a laugh at me for looking so old, said a few days before it was there cousin stephen came in and shook hands with aunt Sarah_ Titus for me she had her bonnet on too, aunt has just got a new set of teeth and must look quite youthful I think - took as ____ as I do I am not inclined to think I look so old yet- I expec thee will have double postage on this too, as I see thee last was, John + Mary are going to Yearly M and John Ketchum is all I have heard of going in this neighborhood they seem to think the NYorkers feel it such a burden to entertain company, I tell them it looks discouraging for the continuance or prosperity of the sect, to have its most zealous members to ______ in that part of duty I think a better time is coming upon them, I mean divisions and strife- but my paper is near full, give my love to all my Rochester Antislavery friends and others if they enquire after my welfare Our children in particular it seems as if I had more to say to them tell Jacob + Joseph to write