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Kirby, Mary. Letter to Isaac Post.
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[the first four lines are upside down and I cannot read them]
the multiplicity of remedys proposed to eb the greatest favorite and it was thought advisable he should have a steaming or sweating those loudest
in praise when brought to acting could not do a thing and and did not know what to do so in this emergency Joseph became ignorant as had been
of such kind of operations ^the principle agent and^ he succeeded admirably it helped his hoarseness so much that he would speak much better his wife deeply sensible of the benefit said if it had not been for your husband nothing would have
been done others talked I was engaged in making beds and preparing for lodging and when solicited by Joseph to join in administration of
the remedy I sent [Harriet Purvis?]who was a warm [eulogist?] of cayenne and ginger etc., etc. suffice it to say we had a very good meeting nothing to
mar the enjoyment and interest throughout Lucy Stone held a meeting at the close of the convention on the wrongs and rights of woman it was a masterly effort
and worthy the great cause the large audience were spellbound except an occasional
applause a breathless stillness pervaded every soul it was a cheering indication of the
appreciation of the subject and its advocate and on an opportunity being given
to assist in defraying expenses of [illegible] and fare in rail car’s each one seemed more than willing to contribute and they [done?] as generously We returned to [P?] on 5 day rather reluctantly as the Quarterly meeting of Progressive Friends met at [Kennet?] on 7 and
we were solicited to attend Garrison and many others did attend Oliver Johnson was at West Chester but quite unwell he went to [Kennet] and spoke admirably was taken more unwell that night and had a severe attack of Bilious colic so much so that on 2 day
great fear was felt as to the usual but as we hear nothing trust he has recovered
Joseph left on 6 day for home I felt quite reluctant to remain behind but it seemed best and I enjoyed myself greatly James + Lucretia took me out to John Jackson's one afternoon John is declining tho very gradually We also rode out to the farm Thomas +
Mary Anna remain there a few weeks longer [heard?] while there a letter read from [E M D]
daughter that is [T.D. Weld's?] schools telling of a new wonder to [illegible] that Green [Smith ([the?] said Gerrit's son) there at school had become a medium and I suppose clairvoyant as they spoke of his seeing little Charly Davis etc. the [illegible] people regretted very much any thing of the kind
in the school and feared the consequences would be injurious I attended [W H Frances?] church once in hopes of hearing him but was sadly disappointed as some one else spoke The Philadelphia fair circle met twice while I was there and
much interest manifested in making articles of utility and elegance I enjoyed it much a larger number met at James's probably on account of Garrison's being there I don't know the number perhaps 60 the same coming he had a meeting with the colored
people which I attended and was much gratified by the appearance of the large assembly the Church as large as the [Rase?] St meeting house [NY?] was filled with a respectable and intelligent-looking audience and the address was one of deep feeling and earnest devotion to the cause of the proscribed and injured class I was glad I was
there Garrison and wife came with me as far as [illegible] thence to [Robert Purvis?]
I came home [found?] all well and right-glad am I again to be here for
after 2 weeks of exciting interest I feel it to be good to relive again
to regain my equilibrium I wish you were here now I could tell you a great deal which would interest you and I should have written more
fully had we not had company and had not Joseph wrote some too all are
now in bed save me and I must say good night too else I may regret it on the morrow the girls are going to NJ on a visit [Pricilla?] was in [Philadelphia?] has visited nearly all the family + was at [Dr. Trumans?] while I was in the city I did not see her we called to try to find her but she was not there wood has lost her [illegible] and she very poorly did not see her either Mary [illegible]
Do write soon I send Cynthia's card they were married as proposed and appear very happy [illegible T Rushmore?] is very ill they have not expected his recovery Jane + Phebe both there but I am getting almost blind I have scribbled in such haste affectionately your Mary