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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow
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(Page 34)
Quoph to [illegible] beseege: mark the
the straitnes of their seege the Enimy is
fierce and hath made good all places about
them, and ther is no escapeing. Eze: 17. PS: 17.
Our pursuers are swifter than the Egles of the Aire, on
the hilts they dog us, and in the wilderness they lye in wait
for us
Resh to possess as faiths taken in an evill
net. Ecel 9. their king is taken and theyis
are without a head, and without life among
the heathen. Gen: 2. PS: 10. Eze: 12.
The breth of our nostrells, the Anoynted of the Everlasting
is taken in their nets in whose shadow wee sayed wee should
live among the nations.
Skinm to change or after they shall
feel a great alteration; in all their mirth
and jollity for the overthrow of Jerusale[m]
Eccl: 10asObad: PS: 137: they shall finde shame
and perpetuall contempt also, and be
captived and utterly destroyed. Jer: 25.
Rejoyce and bee merry, O Edom, that dwellest in the
Land of [symbols] upon thee the cup shall com^e^, thou shalt
be dronk and discover they nakedness.
Tav. A mark of limit ^and determination^ Hee ^now turns his hand^ [illegible] lets the
one goe to pay the other hee will see
what Edom hath deserved for their
iniquity is come to the full. [symbol] Exo: 20.
Da: 9.
Daughter Sion, thine iniquity is ended, hee will no more
remove thee, hee will look out thine iniquity, O Daughter
Edom, and wall ^couple^ a transmigration for thy sinns.
(Page 35)
Chap: 5.
Heer, from disorder hee turneth to a confusion to
Babel, as Gen: 4. wher the verses bee observed
and also the sens of every letter, but the Row
is quite unregarded, as in [symbol] to shew the state
of all is confounded, becaus of the overthrow of
Lerning, as by the verses 12 & 13 may appeer
the Letters heer could not properly bee mentioned
when all Lerning and order is suspended by the
Calamity, heer the slavish estate of their captivity
as expressed, and is greevously distated and bewail-
A Husband that is God, whom
they pray, to think upon them and to
pitty their barrenes and sterility of
their estate, and desolation. Gen: 30.
PS: 44.79.
Vers: 1. O Everlasting, think what is com unto
us, behold well our reproch.
A House. They are thrust all
outofdoors, and dispossessed of
all, Neh: 5.
Vers: 2. Our inheritance is turned to strangers
and our houses to Asians.