Letter from Susan B. Anthony to her niece, Louise Mosher, December 19, 1883
The Riggs House
Washington D. C. Dec. 19, 1888
My Dear Niece Louise [Helen Louse (Mosher) James]
Your card of yesterday
is here - [illegible] your letter
to Mary Osgood - the the care
of Mr Osgood - Burlington - [illegible]
I do not remember his name -
but that will reach him -
I do not know where Mary is!-
I have had it in my thought
to write you a Christmas word -
and say that the V. I handed
you at Miss [Morrisons?] was
to stand as Aunt Susans
Christmas - 1883 - present!! SoLetter from Susan B. Anthony to her niece, Louise Mosher, December 19, 1883
[illegible] about everybody and
especially of your own hope -
There has been a lady here
preaching that all our bodily
aches & ails are creations
of our minds - of our thoughts!!
and she has made wonderful cures of several women who
have been bedridden for years - by
teaching them that they must [trust?]
their wills to work to make their
[illegible] feet & legs obey their minds - they
stop thinking they couldn't - and
think they could - Do your study on
this line whenever you feel sort of out
of sorts - Say to yourself - no you are
not sick - You shan't be sick!! Mrs
(Shafford?) has stopped several of her
usual attacks, something like those you
have - just by saying to herself- "No to any
(more?) - I will not give up to it! At
least it is worth trying always - and
I think it is precisely this spiritLetter from Susan B. Anthony to her niece, Louise Mosher, December 19, 1883
if you can double it
by your own tasteful
handicraft - so much the better -
and instead of spending the
principal on its profits for any
ring, pin, or pretty thing for yourself
or any one else to wear - just invest
the whole in some away again
and make it double itself -
Somehow - I cannot but
feel that you are on the
right track of making a
penny turn itself into two!
Don't get discouraged -
but persevere until at last success
will come of your efforts
I am very sorry to
hear Lucy's unfortunate failure
to [fall?] - it is too bad! NotLetter from Susan B. Anthony to her niece, Louise Mosher, December 19, 1883
she doesn't sieze upon
whatever lies nearest - in the
work line and do it - [illegible] a
[illegible] until something more to her
taste opens to her!!
But don't neglect - the reading aloud part - you need
the discipline of this practice -
I want Aunt Mary
to come to Washington right
away after New Years - and
stay here all the rest of the
winter - Our Washington
Convention will not be until
March 4, 5, 6- Don't forget
to [illegible] in & Lee dear. Miss
Thomson when you into
the city - and talk [illegible]