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In this letter from Susan B. Anthony to Rachel Foster Avery, Anthony comments on the sculpture of herself by Adelaide Johnson and encloses suggested…
In this letter to Rachel Foster Avery's adopted infant daughter, Susan B. Anthony expresses her concern that Rachel Foster Avery will be distracted…
Susan B. Anthony writes to Rachel Foster Avery on November 11, 1887 about the impending merger of the NWSA and the AWSA.
Susan B. Anthony's letter to Sarah Hallowell about redecorating the house.
Susan B. Anthony writes Mary Lewis Gannett from Germany on June 17, 1904, describing a banquet she attended.
Susan B. Anthony writes Mary Lewis Gannett on August 15, 1898 soliciting a letter of endorsement for Ida Wells Barnett and comments on the…
An example of the typewritten notes of Susan B. Anthony's reminisces of her childhood.
Susan B. Anthony's remarks from an anti-slavery meeting in Albany, N.Y. were published in the March 20, 1858 issue of the National Anti-Slavery…
The call to the 1866 woman's rights convention document is signed by both Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, who called for the…
Several pages from the transcript of Susan B. Anthony's trial for voting in the 1872 presidential election.
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Anthony hopes to spend time with Post's family and friends.
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, 1853? Anthony share with Post the names of possible speakers at an upcoming woman's…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, October 1, 1855. Anthony writes to Post asking her to invite certain abolitionists…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, June 2, 1857. Anthony writes to Post about an upcoming meeting in Waterloo, New…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post about gathering names on a petition and the details of the…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to [Joseph W Post?]. Anthony writes to "Dear Friends", possibly Joseph Post about Parker Pillsbury's…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post about a meeting planned to encourage women to speak about the…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, April 13, 1863.
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post about the upcoming eleventh annual National Woman's Rights…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post about preparations for the Monroe County Convention.
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post about the activists who will speak at an upcoming meeting.
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post, December 24, 1866? Anthony writes that she and her brother Daniel Anthony are…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony writes to Post to share with her the proceedings of a recent woman's rights…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Mary Post Hallowell. Anthony writes to Hallowell asking her to review the 1848 Seneca Falls and…
Handwritten letter from Susan Brownell Anthony to Amy Kirby Post. Anthony appeals to Post to ensure that members of the Working Women's Association…
[Contemporary engraving]. Vanity Fair (London), Mar. 14, 1874."English Music" [Arthur Sullivan] by "Ape."
Arce, a resident of Mexico, writes to the President about circumstances surrounding his legal problems.
Blue cloth binding pictorially stamped in peach, white, brown, red, green and gold
Katherine Ashenburg is the author of The Mourner's Dance: What We Do When People Die. Dr. Ashenburg taught at the University of British Columbia in…
Handwritten letter from S ? Asher to Esther ? Titus, October 5, 1862.
An Editor's Quest: Finding Books to Publish: Lawrence Ashmead '54, vice president and executive editor at HarperCollins, will be at the Libraries to…
Handwritten letter from Edwin A. Atlee to Elias Atlee, n.d. Atlee writes respectfully and in effusive Biblical language to an older man (possibly…
Attributed to Ford Madox Brown (British, 1821-1893). The Lady of Shalott. A large oil painting bearing Brown’s monogram.
Handwritten letter from C W Austin to Amy Kirby Post, June 2, 1867.
This postcard is addressed to Susan B. Anthony in London.
This postcard is addressed to Susan B. Anthony in London.
This postcard is addressed to Susan B. Anthony in Edinburgh, Scotland.
Awista Ayub will talk about her work forming a young women's soccer team in Afghanistan. In 2003, she founded the Afghan Youth Sports Exchange, a…
Lulu Scott Backus, ceramics, for pottery and new ceramic glazes, shown at the Memorial Art Gallery in May.
Handwritten letter from Theodore Backus to Sojourner Truth. This letter is one of a number of responses Truth received after placing an advertisement…
Handwritten letter from Isaac Baker to Amy Kirby Post, January 7, 1873.
Handwritten letter from Mary Ann Baker to Amy Kirby Post, July 19, 1826.
Robert Bakos will discuss "Dead German Composers and How They Got That Way," including the medical histories of some of our best-known composers. He…
Balch writes of all his perceived accomplishments and directs the attention of the president to his application for appointment as a government agent…
Handwritten letter from J C ? Baldwin to Amy Kirby Post, November 13, 1838.
Handwritten letter from A. Bales to Isaac Post, December 24, 1857.
Ball writes to Seward that the president ought to emancipate every slave in the U.S.
Untitled album containing sample book covers (front cover only) of cloth or paper, stamped or printed in colors, in varying styles of design and…
Ballard writes on behalf of the candidacy of S. P. Allen Esqr. of the City of Rochester, for the appointment of U. S. Marshall.
Green linen finish cloth binding stamped in red, black and gold
Banks writes to President Lincoln seeking the appointment to his staff of Colonel John S. Clark as an additional Aid de Camp.
Banks writes to the president about Dr. Zacharie.
Banks writes seeking the promotion of Captain John W. McClure, Quarter Masters Department, to the rank of Major.
Banks writes with updates from Texas and Mexico.
Stained glass. This stained glass window panel captures Lancelot’s longing to return to Camelot, which appears as an ethereal vision.
The Girl’s King Arthur: Tales of the Women of Camelot
Handwritten letter from M P Barber to Amy Kirby Post, January 3, 1870.
Handwritten letter from Helen J Barden to Amy Kirby Post, April 26, 1870.
Handwritten letter from Elijah Baright to Isaac Post, May 1, 1844. This letter may have been misdated as May 1, 1844, and instead may be dated "11day…
Handwritten letter from Elijah Baright to Isaac Post, April 28, 1845.
Barker writes to Seward about mislaid papers and the need of her husband for a position.
Wayne Barlow, music, for False Faces, a ballet suite for orchestra, performed by the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra, October 30.
Handwritten letter from L E ? Barnard to Isaac Post, October 29, 1856.
Barney writes to President Lincoln to make a case for a potential consulship for Hon. Caleb Lyon of New York.
Handwritten letter from Phebe M ? Barney to Esther ? Titus, September 15, 1863.
[Cabinet photograph]. London: Barraud, [1889]. Courtice Pounds as Marco in the original production of The Gondoliers.
Among the Gently Mad, Redux: Nicholas Basbanes is the author of A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal Passion for Books, a New…
Terracotta fine ribbed morocco grain cloth stamped in blind and gold
This brief note from Bates accompanies a draft of a proclamation that Bates wants Lincoln to review.
Bates writes to President Lincoln about requests his office has received from those wishing to take an oath under the proclamation issued by Lincoln…
Bates writes to President Lincoln, seeking a consulship for Mr. Slade of Cleveland, Ohio.
Dark green sand grain cloth binding stamped in blind,black and gold
BEARDEN, Romare. Autograph letter, signed, undated.
BEARDEN, Romare and Nanette. Christmas card, featuring a reproduction of Bearden's painting Black Mother and Child, signed "Love, Nanette and Romie."
BEARDEN, Romare. Autograph letter (postcard), signed, to Williams. 1969.
Printed paper jacket for Safari West. Designed by Raymond Beauchemin.
Typed letter, Raymond Beauchemin to Williams. 27 June 1997.
Handwritten letter from Peter J Becker to Charles D B Mills, July 4, 1859.
Handwritten letter from Emily G Beebe to Amy Kirby Post, July 20, 1859.
Handwritten letter from Emily G Beebe to Amy Kirby Post, June 28, 1869.
Handwritten letter from Emily G ? Beebe to Amy Kirby Post, October 10, 1859.
Article from publication announcing the American Book Awards, the Before Columbus Foundation, 1998.
Handwritten letter from E ? Beles to Amy Kirby Post, September 8, 1865.
Handwritten letter from June P Bell to Helen M Jarvis, July 15, 1857.
Mrs. Benham writes to Weed, seeking his influence in getting her husband detached from the Sacramento, blockading off Wilmington, and moved closer to…
Set within a contemporary black community in Southern California, Brit Bennett’s mesmerizing first novel, The Mothers, is an emotionally perceptive…
Handwritten letter from Peter Bennett to Amy Kirby Post, December 4, 1856.
Warren Benson, music, for Capriccio for Violin, Viola, Cello and Piano.
As a graduate student, Emily Bernard was the victim of a random stabbing in a New Haven café. In this powerful lecture, she shares the story of her…
[Advertising cards]. Between The Acts. New York: B. Day, (ca. 1879). Three of a set of seven large advertising cards for Between The Acts Cigarettes,…
Handwritten letter from C Bigelow to Amy Kirby Post, October 5, 1860.
Bigelow encloses a letter from Lieutenant Hills and asks that a furlough may be obtained for him.
Gala opening of the Bijou Theatre. First-night silk program for Collier's Standard Opera Company in Iolanthe.
Green honeycomb grain cloth binding stamped in gold
Movie still from A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court starring Bing Crosby.
Handwritten letter from Hannah Birney to unknown recipient, March 24, 1861.
Handwritten letter from Sarah Birney to Amy Kirby Post, n.d.
Handwritten letter from Maria Bishop to Willets George, September 2, 1827.
Handwritten letter from Antoinette Louisa Brown Blackwell to Amy Kirby Post, September 3, 1851.
Handwritten letter from Henry Brown Blackwell to Amy Kirby Post. Blackwell writes to Post that he's received her subscription information for the…
THE JOHN OLIVER KILLENS MEMORIAL AWARD FOR FICTION, Blind Beggar Press 25th Anniversary Celebration, 22 September 2002.
Roy Blount Jr., prides himself on the fact that he has done more things, for money, than any other humorist, novelist, journalist, dramatist,…
Consortium Advance Marketing Info sheet from BOA Editions Ltd. ahead of the publishing of Li-Young Lee's Book of My Nights.
Bound in green and black printed cloth, stamped in blind and gold