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Davies, N W. Letter to Isaac Post.

Revision as of Sep 18, 2023, 7:37:46 PM
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Revision as of Sep 25, 2023, 3:55:01 PM
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And ??? to God he may be admitted instantly - to test the doughty gentlemen --State Republican  party cannot stand this equality here let it go to the board --they might as well test the question - for me loyal ??? of the south -- have a matter ????? which they will have to swallo - that is unqualified suffrage. The ??? of ??? of the south convention ??? favor of it - and igf ???? of the base plank of our platform -- and on shall refine our ?????? the Republicans ???? the same issue
And pray to God he may be admitted instantly - to test the doughty gentlemen--?? the State Republican  party cannot stand this equality here let it go to the board --they might as well test the question - for me loyal men of the south -- have a matter ????? which they will have to swallow - that is unqualified suffrage. The ??? of ??? of the southern convention are in favor of it - and ???? of the base plank of our platform -- and on shall refine our ?????? the Republicans ???? the same issue
The ??? ???? met Mr. Dorytaf today - he is confident of ????in our delegation also a clored man Dr. J B. Randolph of ????? is a delegate from our state and there is no opposition ???? to him. He is sitting of any rides as I am
The ??? ???? met Mr. Dorytaf today - he is confident of ????in our delegation also a colored (colonial)  man Dr. J B. Randolph of ????? is a delegate from our state and there is no opposition made to him. He is sitting of any rides as I am ??? and because the attention and ??? that our ??? Thank God - the issue has come - now is the time for ??? it and ?? have many have sons to battle for the ??? Most of us have not hesitated to ?? on the sword and fight for  our principles the certainty shall notfalter ?? naught but transfer ??? is essential.

Revision as of Sep 25, 2023, 3:55:01 PM

And pray to God he may be admitted instantly - to test the doughty gentlemen--?? the State Republican party cannot stand this equality here let it go to the board --they might as well test the question - for me loyal men of the south -- have a matter ????? which they will have to swallow - that is unqualified suffrage. The ??? of ??? of the southern convention are in favor of it - and ???? of the base plank of our platform -- and on shall refine our ?????? the Republicans ???? the same issue

The ??? ???? met Mr. Dorytaf today - he is confident of ????in our delegation also a colored (colonial) man Dr. J B. Randolph of ????? is a delegate from our state and there is no opposition made to him. He is sitting of any rides as I am ??? and because the attention and ??? that our ??? Thank God - the issue has come - now is the time for ??? it and ?? have many have sons to battle for the ??? Most of us have not hesitated to ?? on the sword and fight for our principles the certainty shall notfalter ?? naught but transfer ??? is essential.