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Davies, N W. Letter to Isaac Post.

Revision as of Sep 18, 2023, 7:37:46 PM, created by

And ??? to God he may be admitted instantly - to test the doughty gentlemen --State Republican party cannot stand this equality here let it go to the board --they might as well test the question - for me loyal ??? of the south -- have a matter ????? which they will have to swallo - that is unqualified suffrage. The ??? of ??? of the south convention ??? favor of it - and igf ???? of the base plank of our platform -- and on shall refine our ?????? the Republicans ???? the same issue

The ??? ???? met Mr. Dorytaf today - he is confident of ????in our delegation also a clored man Dr. J B. Randolph of ????? is a delegate from our state and there is no opposition ???? to him. He is sitting of any rides as I am