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Religious Meditations of John Eaton


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(Page 14)

The life for which the soul of man was ^chiefly^ made: was to please God
to live to God: if any man think that it was to injoy the world
& to take up its happiness their: it is a monstrous Conceit &
over throwes all Religion (4) This life of God, for which
the soul of man was made is a spirituall life in Communion
with God & not for the life of the body: This life of the soul
doth signife: To glorify him here, To trust him To know him
to minde him, and to live with him in glory here after
3 Phillip 20: our Conversation is in heaven heaven from
whence wee expect a savior.
When the soul is inabled by grace: To the live
the life of God: Then it is safe, Then it lives most
& best.

First it is safe: doth they soul live by grace: Thou it is in a
safe Condition.
It lives most: Their is no mans soul lives most: But
that mans as lives most in Comunion with God: They
live pittifull poore lives whose souls live mearly that their
bodies may live.
It lives best: Certainly those persons are mad & distracted
that shake off Religion for wee finde by experience That
the soul lives most happy: The lives most to God: do your
souls hope in God: to enjoy him for ever: why though the softly of yee
souls in Comunion with God.

(Page 15)

By way of instruction

From hence wee learn to live & walk in our callings
& Conversations with Men in the world: as those who have
souls to lose: I say let us labour to live & walk as those that
souls to lose for ever: have wee Liberties to lose: have wee
estates & Lands to lose: yet Let us Remember that wee have
souls to lose: They that do not Consider that they have souls
to lose: Act as persons: that have no Reason, nor Conscience.

First they act as persons that have no Reason: for is not the
soul more then the body: And must the body have all & the
soul little or nothing at all; Must thy body be fine & hansome
& canst thou be content to have a foul dirty soul within
Must thy body be fed all the weeke & canst thou hardly be
be content that thy soul: should have a good meal on the
Lords day, Must thy Body be well Clothed & canst thou
be content that they soul should be naked: Must thou
needs have the Riches of the world: & must they soul, be
like a Begger within: Must thy Body have pleasures
& must thy soul be sad: Must thy soul live like a
Scullion & undo itselfe: all its life longe for the Body
I would fain know whether such persons as these: are
not very far from Common sense & reason: That think
they can do nothing too much for their bodies & nothing too
little for their souls.