(Page 1)
2 Corins 5 & 9 wherefore we labour that wether
present or absent we may be accepted of him, for
wee must all appear before the Lord [give out?] soul
loaf of Christ: that everyone may [renowe] the
things done in the body according to that he hath
done whether it be good or bad, as if the Apostle
had said all things must be laid open: all things
must be ript up: Therefore we labour that wee
may be accepted of him: That we may be found
in him [in?] peace Mobr 13:17: O hey them that have
the Rule over you & subvert yourselves: for the
watch for your souls as they that must give
account of your obedience: 5 James Say
7: d: he yea also patient establish your harts for
the coming of the Lord draweth nigh mark
patience & stability are the duties [pressed?] too
& what is the Argument: but because the
coming of the Lord draweth nigh: Therefore
be yea steadfast & unmovable allwaies abounding
in his worke of the Lord: for as much as your
Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord
there will be a glorious reward.
(Page 2)
[Modern inscription in pencil]
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Against sin and siners: but at the great day it shall be
Thy, God hath appointed a day wherein he will Judge
the world in Righteousnes.
To manifest his delight that he hath in hollines and
holly persons: that God may quit & absolve his
holly ones. As the are Creatures the must appear
before him. Act being made new Creatures & united
to Christ. The shall be acquited & absolved. God
will not give thou the Black stone of Condemnation
But the white stone of salvation: Romans 1;
This will be a dreadfull day to all the ungodly imperniten[t]
siners that have the black stone of Condemnation when
the Judge shall say to all such god yea Cursed unto
everlasting fire prepared for the Dosill & his Angells
a Dreadfull sentance that breathes forth nothing
but fire & Brimstone [wee?] & horror for months
without end & beyonnd all imagination a setance from
which their is no appeal to be made for this is the
highest Court of Justice & this is the Cast Centance
that shall be past: Matt 25 & 34: But the Judge
shall say to his Saints Come yea blessed of my father
& enter in to the joy of your Lord: a blessed Centance
it is, a Centance that breathes forth nothing but love
& merry: now the Bosome of Christ is upon to [illegible]
[receive?] them whose Bosome was upon to [renew?] him
(Page 4; upside-down)
that have one received him upon his own forms: To thou that
have followed him in the Regeneration: To though he will
appoint therownes unto: at the great & generall
Judgement: God will render to everyone according
to his workes: Ther is no respect of persons
with God: every person shall be judged &
every person shall be judged according to his
2dly, God hath appointed a day, in which he will
Judge the world in Righteousnes.
First that the wicked & ungodly might not
re be so vile; as their sinfull nature doth head
& to impell thou unto too: Sinfull nature being
set on fire by the fire of hell: is exceeding apt
to grow exceeding sinfull: 7 Romans 11 Sin
taking occasion by the Commandment [deceived?]
me & by it shew me & the Commandment which
ordained to life I found found to be unto death
The Commandment which should have laid a
restraint upon him: through the villnes of his
nature made him more sinfull & more vile
Though God keepes many externall daies of
Judgement & informall daies of Judgement to
to punish the bodies & souls of men: yet all this will
not do.
(Page 5)
To punish the souls & bodies of men yet all this will
not do: though God by his Rod shewes himself to
be a Judge, yet the corrupt part of Man, will
head in waies that are dishonorable to the Lord: now
God hath appointed a day in which he will Judge
the world in Righteousnes: that he might give a
Check to wicked Men that he might put a stopp
those waies their sinfull natures incline them too
Eccle: 11: Rejoice o young Man in thy youth and
let they hart cheer thee in the daies of thy youth
& walk in the waies of thy hart & in the sight
of thine eyes. But know thou, that for all
these things God will bring thee to Judgement
In the first part of the vers: that doth exceed
[night?] please young Men: There is not any
thing more delightfull to defilled & polluted
Nature: What can be more delightfull: To
say to the young Man Rejoice in the daies of
thy youth & walk in the waist of thy hart
& do those things that thou hast a minde to do
Let thy minde go after those things that thy corrupt
hart would have thee, But Brethren here is
a Cooler: heres one thing that spoyles all: heres
is a soure sauce to this sweet meat: But [Remember]
(Page 6; upside-down)
for all these things God will bring thee to Judgement
hee will wake to hould up thy hand at his Barr
he will Lay Righteousnes to the line & Judgement
to the plummet: & thou what will all those
vanities procure thee: but depart from me yea
wicked into everlasting fire: o think upon the
account you must give at the great day of
Judgement and thou Rejoyce in your sinfull
pleasures if you can.
2dly God hath appointed a day in which he will
Judge the world in Righteousnes.
That his saints & servants might be drawn
to walk more evenly accuratly & exactly
with him: The saints & servants of God have
many things both within them & without them
to hinder them in their holly walking. The
saints know the must give an account for every
idle word. Therefore it is the prieste after the
greatest exactnes & [strictnes?]
(Page 7)
3dly, God hath appointed a day wherein he will
Judge the world in Righteousnes
That he might bright to Light the hidden
workes of darknes: And shame impenitent
Siners in the face of Men & Angells. The
most of those grosse evils that are Committed
in the world are for the most part comitted
in secret. But at the Judgement of the great
Day: all the Counsells of the hart shall be
manifested: every thought & every word that
hath bin spoken by the tongue: The severall
plats of the wicked against the persons of
the Just or against their Estates. The
goods that have bin unjustly gotten and the
goods that have bin unjustly detained and all
the hypocrisy of Men: I say all these shall
be declared at the Judgement of the great
(Page 8)
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It is drawn from the great advantage & privilidge which
doth all end those persons; who lose their lives for his sake. They
shall love the life of their souls.
Thirdly, it is drawn from the vanity &
filly folly of those that deny Christ
To save their lives & lose their so[u]ls: ffor what shall it
profit a man if hee shall gain the wole world & lose his
own soul.
The Doctrin
Our savior doth here suppose: a desire in mans hart
of gaining the whole world to himselfe: or This, It is
naturally every Mans harts desire to have the whole world to
Christ this doth appear from scripture
Ecclesiastes 408: Their is one alone & their is not a second
yea hee hath neither Christe nor Brother: yet is their no end
of all his Labour: neither is his eye satisfied with Riches [illegible].
This doth also appear from experience.
What a great stir have many Emperiours made in the world
how have they butchered Men like sheepe: was not this the
work of the Babilonion Kings: and of Allexander the great
hath not the Turke & [illegible] laboured after this: By this you may
guesse what boundles desires Men have naturally: Man would be
like the most high: how art thou fallen from heaven o Lucifer [illegible]
(Page 10)
Secondly keep your affection within Compass, for when
worldly have broke the Bounds of reason: you cannot
imagin what will come of it, for them the grow infinite
& boundles: give them one farm after another: one
Country after another: Kingdome after Kingdome
yet that will not do: It is so clear a truth: That it is
Certain. That Man desires more then all: for if anyone
person should have all the world: That Man would not
be sattisfied: but would desire more, for why Mans
end is something bigger then all the world. If this world
were thee and of Mans happines, it would give him rest
& sattisfaction: but since it will not do it: It is certainly
evodant evident: That Man is made for something bigger
then the world.
hence Learn two great instructions
First to bewail, The evill inclinations of your harts
to worldly things: Wee are apt to over vallue Riches
& the delights of the flesh, wee are apt to over vallue
these things to much & to forget God: Take men in his
Earthly inclinations & their is nothing but Earth in his
hart: hee hath left the knowledge of God: The Center
of Mans hart; is nothing els, but Earth, to Earth, This is
the wombe where all this villainies of the world are
Conceived: This is that which makes the heavens to looke
black over our heads: This is that: which makes our hart to
bleed: The [lore?] of mony is called the roote of all evill
(Page 11)
57 Esa 17 for the iniquity of his Covetousnes was I [wrok?]
why is it called the iniquity of his Covetousness: It is called
the iniquity of his Covetousness: because it is the roote of all
other sins.
Take heed that you do not trust your harts, in their
evill inclinations to worldly things, o where will our
harts carry us, & what will become of us, if wee favour
them in their evill inclinations to worldly things: The
will Run over Reason: The will Run over Conscience
Thee will run over Civility: The will over God
the will over Scripture. The will Run over heaven
& Run into hell: our harts are allwaies drawing
after the world: and if wee do not looke to it the will
draw us away from duty: The will draw to sin. The
will draw us to shame: and if wee do not look &
it the will draw us to the habbitations of Devills
here after: Therefore keep short your affections &
worldly things: this must be done if wee will
arive safe to happines: and take heed of Covetousnes
for a Mans life doth not Consist in the abundance
of things that hee doth injoy: 13 Matt 22: Religion
can never be sincere where mortification of worldly
worldly is not.
(Page 12)
2 Doctrin
our saviour speakes of a mans losing his soul
First every man hath a soul which may be left: if hee
be not carefull to preserve it: And here wee may
observe: That the greatest part live as if the were
all body & no soul: as if they had bodies to lose, but
no souls to lose: as wee Carry with us souls in our
bodies: so let it be continually in our miditations that
wee have souls to lose: how many are their in this
Nation that Can hardly afford time to provide for their
souls: But how is it possible that the soul should
live in Comunion with God: if that be not provided
for, as well as the body: Looke upon & down in the
world: & it is able to make to make ones hart to
tremble: To see how it lies in iniquity and death
what nasty beggarly brutified souls, may you see
are their in fire decked bodies: I mention those
things that wee may not be [insatiated?] with the rest
of the world: But us take heed that the life of the
body, be not all in all to us.
By way of Explication
of the Second Doctrin
The soul of Man, is a spirituall invisable substance
to me: their is nothing more desirable: then for a man to
know himselfe, in respect of his soul: I am apt to think
that their are many persons in the world: That think the soul
to be nothing els: but a mear Breath that goes in & out the
(Page 13)
body of Man: But they have more reason, who think
the soul of Man to be like unto the Angells: Ecclesiastes 12 & 7
then shall the dust retire to the dust as it was: and the spirit
shall return unto God who gave it: what is was here tofore
so it shall be now, as it was Earth, so it shall be now: 12
Raka: 1: The Lord which formeth the spirit of Man within
him: 7 Act 59: and the stoned [Slaven?] calling upon God &
saying Lord Jesaes renewe my spirit: all these scriptures
tell us that the soul of Man, is like the Angells.
First for information
[indent] Though the soul cannot be known
by bodily sence: yet by its opperations: By an inward
sence of its own actings & opperations it may be known
it may know its own nature as well as other things in the
world: wee do not know the substance of any naturall being
in the world: But wee know them by their certain properties
if you ask me what a stone is I know not: if you ask me
what the fire is I know not, But by its certain properties
it is a thin shining flaime: it [dus?] heat, it [dus?] warme
And thus far wee may know the soul of Man: By its
opperations & Actings.
First it is such a being that is allwaies thinking upon one thing
or other: and o what a happy thing were it if our souls were
allwaies thinking upon that which is good.
Secondly: It is very active & sh swift in its thoughts: how
quickly will it go through a parish a Country a Kingdome &
Compass the Earth: it will mount up to heaven & fetch a
Circuit about the world.
(Page 14)
The life for which the soul of man was ^chiefly^ made: was to please God
to live to God: if any man think that it was to injoy the world
& to take up its happiness their: it is a monstrous Conceit &
over throwes all Religion (4) This life of God, for which
the soul of man was made is a spirituall life in Communion
with God & not for the life of the body: This life of the soul
doth signife: To glorify him here, To trust him To know him
to minde him, and to live with him in glory here after
3 Phillip 20: our Conversation is in heaven heaven from
whence wee expect a savior.
When the soul is inabled by grace: To the live
the life of God: Then it is safe, Then it lives most
& best.
First it is safe: doth they soul live by grace: Thou it is in a
safe Condition.
It lives most: Their is no mans soul lives most: But
that mans as lives most in Comunion with God: They
live pittifull poore lives whose souls live mearly that their
bodies may live.
It lives best: Certainly those persons are mad & distracted
that shake off Religion for wee finde by experience That
the soul lives most happy: The lives most to God: do your
souls hope in God: to enjoy him for ever: why though the softly of yee
souls in Comunion with God.
(Page 15)
By way of instruction
From hence wee learn to live & walk in our callings
& Conversations with Men in the world: as those who have
souls to lose: I say let us labour to live & walk as those that
souls to lose for ever: have wee Liberties to lose: have wee
estates & Lands to lose: yet Let us Remember that wee have
souls to lose: They that do not Consider that they have souls
to lose: Act as persons: that have no Reason, nor Conscience.
First they act as persons that have no Reason: for is not the
soul more then the body: And must the body have all & the
soul little or nothing at all; Must thy body be fine & hansome
& canst thou be content to have a foul dirty soul within
Must thy body be fed all the weeke & canst thou hardly be
be content that thy soul: should have a good meal on the
Lords day, Must thy Body be well Clothed & canst thou
be content that they soul should be naked: Must thou
needs have the Riches of the world: & must they soul, be
like a Begger within: Must thy Body have pleasures
& must thy soul be sad: Must thy soul live like a
Scullion & undo itselfe: all its life longe for the Body
I would fain know whether such persons as these: are
not very far from Common sense & reason: That think
they can do nothing too much for their bodies & nothing too
little for their souls.
(Page 16)
Secondly such do act as persons that have no
Conscience: for they do grossly slight the plain
Commands of God: as first seeke the Kingdome of God
& his Righteousnes 6: Matt 33: Labour not for the meat
that [per flesh?]: but for that which indureth to everlasting
life: That is for the spirituall life of the soul in Comunion
with God; when Men slight their souls it is an unconscion^able^
thing, what say you now to these things that I have
mentioned: are you willing to live as those that have souls
souls to lose.
First do not abuse yourselves by any desperate
thoughts of God, or Concerning the grace of the Gospell
But take comfort in this that you have souls to
save, as well as souls to lose: If wee had tenn thousand
a year: yet wee might say, wee had this to lose: and
these worldly things we must lose.
harken to Gods Counsell & thy soul shall live. Thou
shalt be safe & not lose thy soul, May thy soul live
for ever hereafter with God: O what a Comfort is this, or
els in what a miserable Condition were many people in
the world if it were not for this.