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Religious Meditations of John Eaton

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2 Corins 5 & 9 wherefore we labour that wether
present or absent we may be accepted of him, for
wee must all appear before the Lord [give out?] soul
loaf of Christ: that everyone may [renowe] the
things done in the body according to that he hath
done whether it be good or bad, as if the Apostle
had said all things must be laid open: all things
must be ript up: Therefore we labour that wee
may be accepted of him: That we may be found
in him [in?] peace Mobr 13:17: O hey them that have
the Rule over you & subvert yourselves: for the
watch for your souls as they that must give
account of your obedience: 5 James Say
7: d: he yea also patient establish your harts for
the coming of the Lord draweth nigh mark
patience & stability are the duties [pressed?] too
& what is the Argument: but because the
coming of the Lord draweth nigh: Therefore
be yea steadfast & unmovable allwaies abounding
in his worke of the Lord: for as much as your
Labour shall not be in vain in the Lord
there will be a glorious reward.

Religious Meditations of John Eaton