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Religious Meditations of John Eaton


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(Page 16)

Secondly such do act as persons that have no
Conscience: for they do grossly slight the plain
Commands of God: as first seeke the Kingdome of God
& his Righteousnes 6: Matt 33: Labour not for the meat
that [per flesh?]: but for that which indureth to everlasting
life: That is for the spirituall life of the soul in Comunion
with God; when Men slight their souls it is an unconscion^able^
thing, what say you now to these things that I have
mentioned: are you willing to live as those that have souls
souls to lose.

First do not abuse yourselves by any desperate
thoughts of God, or Concerning the grace of the Gospell
But take comfort in this that you have souls to
save, as well as souls to lose: If wee had tenn thousand
a year: yet wee might say, wee had this to lose: and
these worldly things we must lose.

harken to Gods Counsell & thy soul shall live. Thou
shalt be safe & not lose thy soul, May thy soul live
for ever hereafter with God: O what a Comfort is this, or
els in what a miserable Condition were many people in
the world if it were not for this.