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Waisbrooker, Lois. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Lowell, April 25th 67 Mrs Post Dear Lady In reference to the question upon which I promised to write you I think the words of Jesus "Let the dead bury their dead" partic- ularly applicable. The heart has dealt with effects, confessing that causes were beyond our reach ^to^ which confession we refuse to subscribe. Let us then devote all our energies, our means to the [discerning?] and re- moval of causes ^to the application^ of principles, and leave there who deal only in effects to bury the dead, and deadening effects of their mistakes. In reference to the Magdalen, there are causes which must and will [illegible] them much faster then the concentrated efforts of the thousands save them. Just so long as woman is a sub- ject, a servant, a dependent, just so long will she be man's "Empress or his slave, or his discarded jest". ruling him tyrannically, till he sees fit to dethrone her, as slave to his [illegible] for the means of support, or outcast indeed, [illegible], and [protecting] whatever she touches. "The seed of the woman shall bruise the serpent's head." Woman with her fine [illegible], organization, stands in ^a similar^ relation to the child, that the lens of the camera does to the [revisited?] plate. The objects placed before the lens are