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Waisbrooker, Lois. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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by the ways of light, reflected there it to the plate, – the influen- ces brought to bear upon the mother are carried by the lens of her fine ner- vous system to the sensitive embryo and become a heart of the ^webb^ that life must unroll. The developer in the dark room brings out, does not create, but brings to the surface that which has been impressed upon the prepared plate. The developer of life's experiences brings out, does not create, but brings out that which is so impressed upon the embrio. This may not be, is not true in all the minutiae of detail, but it is true in the principle of correspondencies. In the care of the likeness plate, the artist expects to bring out only that which was placed before the cam- era, if a person, he gets the picture of a person, a dog, the likeness of a dog is found upon the plate, if both, then he gets the image of both. You will never find an artist who will place a man, a dog, a bird, and a cat before the camera, and then expect to bring out only the man and the bird, by a peculiar kind of de- veloper that will act upon the re- flection of their images, but will not take hold of the reflection from the cat and the dog. No, if he does not want the likeness of the cat and the dog, he will see to it that they are not within range of the camera focus. But Christians, less wise, have been trying by the developer of God's