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Waisbrooker, Lois. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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^3d^grace to bring out only a part of that which has been stamped upon the em- bryo, and has failed. Now, the ques- tion is, shall we spend our time and money in trying to bring out only birds and flowers, where the animal nature has been predominant in the first fermentation? No. Let those who have trusted to the developer, to grace instead of nature, take care of the results of their mistaken course, while we turn our attention to the liberation of the artist mother, Let us see to it first, that she is made free, and then say to her ^We are a^ care there, Oh Artist of the infi- nite! do not ^permit^ another ^to^ control the adjustment of conditions, of the images, the influences that brought to bear upon ^the mere lens of^ your being must be impressed upon the caring one. Do not linger more as another di- rects in this your highest, the highest work, but direct, ^adjust conditions^, judge for your self. In a word, my sister, we must not waste our means, our energies in tampering with effects, but in searching for and remaining causes the true reformer's work is not in the hospital as nurse or physicians, but out in the highways, and byways from whence the sick are brought, searching for the cause that made them so. The work of the reformer is not with the outcast, the Magdalen, but with the causes that make out- casts. The work of the reformer