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Dean, Phebe B. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Transcription by Ariel Schwartz, Class of 2022:
[left margin]
Our meeting is to be held
Wednesday, Thursday, and
Friday the 3rd 4th and 5th
of June. Call to be pub-
lished as soon as replies
are received from those invited.
Waterloo April 7th 1868
My Dear Friend,
Your kind favor was
duly received. What a busy woman
you are. I rejoice that health and
strength are spared you to do so much
good work. I regret to add in the
least to your burdens, but would very
much like to have you write to
Lucretia Mott because you are per-
sonally acquainted with her. We
should be glad, indeed, to have her pres-
ence in our meeting. – Invite her from
the Committee. Mrs. [Bonnel?] wished
me to speak to you of Mrs. Watson.
From accounts that he has had from
some of the Rochester People (Mrs. Cornell
for one) he is quite desirous to have
her attend. – Act according to your
own judgement. – I have just