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Post, Mary Robbins. Letter to Isaac Post.
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Westbury 7 mo 11/70 Dear Brother & Sister I have taken up a pen but probably my necessity will compel me to lay it aside very soon for a little rest I find I have a limit which it is weak sometimes to acknowledge and having been overtaxed so long cannot recupe- rate as fast as years ago The change in our family has [illegible] guide an overturn our rooms upstairs all so small that we have taken away the partitions between the room you slept in and the next making a nice room for dear Kate and children got the walk mended & cleaned ready for when she can come it is so exceedingly lonely since all left and Phoebe not well (teething probably) that we feel anxious to get them here you may imagine how much fortitude it has required to stay alone with her great sorrow the breaking up all her hopes and pleasant arrangements gone nothing remaining but the loving remembrance of the past and the joyous companions of the future "But Life is ever Lord of Death And Love