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Post, Mary Robbins. Letter to Isaac Post.
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can never lose its own," [Ile ?] has been wonde^rfully^ sustained through out all but I almost dread [Ile ?] coming back to the old home I fear she will sink there she has had so much she was compeled to act so many are resting on her that when the pressure is lifted and more leisure known. doubt if she feels any less lonely They have gone to day to prove the will we were greatly emprised to find after many days that Edmund & Co had gone was on the look out really expecting to see them drive up to our door and felt on finding them gone that they had not done quite right by us I doubt not they too will feel more their loss on act of Issac & Mary leaving Rochester and the remembrance of the changes but I will not weary you with our engrossing thoughts we feel very much that a prop on which we had leaned very lovingly had been broken and instead an added cane It is great comfort to have Issac & Mary at the home and greatly hope they will realise much enjoyment thine also greatly desire all things may be arranged