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Unknown writer. Letter to unknown recipient.

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Pg. 1 Riverdale Md. Feb’y 18/10 My Dear Sis-

    Now please don’t throw a fit or do anything else disa-

agreeable when you get this effusion- I don’t believe that I have written to you in quite a length of periods and as a matter of fact I guess I hav’n’t written to any body in some time, I have about quit writing altogether _ I have so many things to do out here in the Maryland woods, and the days go tumbling by so fast that I can’t get through with half that I want to and cut the writing out entirely_I will have to economize on time in other directions also You know that these are times of unparalleled prosperity- (Mr. Taft says so, and it isn’t at all likely that he would deliberately lie about a little thing like that)- and it requires the most rigid economy in all directions to get along at all, so I reckon I will have to cut out something else besides writing or get left in the rush, and among other things, to tedious to mention I’d like to economize on this winter programe-I don’t like this Taft ____ for a cent. and I don’t care who knows it, possibly that’s high treason, for they tell us we are forbiden to critisize any thing that our high officials may see fit to do, but I can’t help it _Here we have had over 2 months of steady, cold winter weather, without a let up, and the prospects are good for 2 months more of the same, and I respectfully submit t the powers that be, that it’s imposeing on good nature_There is a limit to human endurance and if Mr. Taft don’t let up alittle, he may have a rebel- ion on his hands_It begins to look very much as though he was in col- lusion with the coal combine as well as some other combinations _ we have had the longest stretch of continuous cold weather that I have ever seen here and the coal fellows ought to be prosperous for sure_There are some other things that I object to likewise, also and among them is your Rochester brand of chicken pox. The baby might just as well have had the regulation small pox and have done