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Unknown writer. Letter to unknown recipient.
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Pg. 2 with it- She was broken out all over from the top of her head to the soles of her feet and staid there for 3 or 4 days-She couldn’t rest day or night and did like to let any one else rest either- It was the first time she had ever had any sickness of any sort and she objected to the whole programe strenuously- She certainly had a time of it all right and so did her mother ___ paid for bringing the blasted thing home with her-They have got through with it now and seem to be none the worse for the experience-Gola and Olga are attending kinder-garden and seem to like it first rate-That takes them away from home from 9 to 12 and the house is very quiet- The baby has the ranch all to herself and when She is by herself She has a pretty good time and is very quiet about it. I hav’n’t heard a word from any one at any place for a long time So take it for granted that they are all reasonably well and enjoying this universal prosperity- I don’t supose that I have any good reason to expect any letters unless I write one my- self occasionally and I guess that I am owing about every one a letter-How are all the good people on Pearl St. any how? don’t care to hear from the other sort, but I expect that they are all good there-I supose Nellie is just as sassy as ever, but then Nellie is all right and a good friend of mine so you don’t have to mention any thing about the sass. and I hope Ruth has fully recovered from that chicken pox of hers- It was a fully grown hen by the time it got here-and Lobbies and Belle and Will and Ruden and the cat. Say I am very much interested in the cat- such an inteligent quaduped “ don’t her know “ and then there is that frisky squirrel-How is he standing the winter? I have been writing this scrawl at the office between times whenever occasion offered and I don’t much about it my- self and perhaps you will know less after you have read it- we are not suposed to know any thing here unless some one in authority tells us and I am gradually getting to know less and less for the fellows up above don’t know but precious little and they would be much more intelligent if they didn’t know that much, at all _____ this will convey the information that I am alive and kicking and I would do a lot more kicking if it would do any good, but so long as it ___ whats the use of wasting powder-It is nearly morning now and I shall have to quit this and attend to frying some other fish-with love to all I am as ever yours
George Riverdale, Md Box 45