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Kirby, Sarah. Letter to Amy Kirby Post
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Kent St. May 14th 1855 evening
Dear Sister
In order to be sure that a letter reach
you before you leave Long Island suppose we must send it on its’ way soon, tho I hope if it is pleasant to you you will lengthen it a little, one week looks so short to me? I have been to your house this afternoon that I might report to you. Found Emily at supper with Sarah and ____ all well, Sarah said tell them every thing is going on right and we are happy. She thinks the birds never had better care than now. George was at Macedon yesterday- said Willie is well and does not want to come home. Yesterday we all went to meeting to see Priscilla and heard her preach a long sermon, said a great deal about the inward moniton or light and the example of Jesus, we thought it good but most too long, her voice is rather feeble but very pleasant. I have just thought that my other letter was written before we knew that Priscilla was here ___ Seventh day I went up to see Fanny and Phebe and Found Priscilla ___ and Isabella Webster there. P regrets very much that you are absent, said “tell them when thee writes that I am very much disappointed to not find them home.” She asked very particular when you would return thought probably she would be here but thought of going to New York. Yearly Meeting and in that case would leave before your return