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Kirby, Sarah. Letter to Amy Kirby Post

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Pg. 2 as in time past as I have heard from you she cannot tell long before which way she must go. now dont know whether she is going east or west. Said she had the privilege of staying with her children last winter. After meeting we went with William and Mary to call on her, she was resting but came down and met Mary very cordially saying “and this is the little girl I used to know “ we sat awhile very pleasantly to us then went to see Matilda expecting also to see Jehiel and Phebe Hoyt but were disappointed in that. Phebe did not come down to see us (was sleeping) and Jehiel was out walking with the Dr. Matilda looked very well for her was out walking in the yard with the little boys. Says she has kept most too close lately now intends to come out with Phebe some. Eddy was happy with the thought of going home today.

    I asked Priscilla where she would stay in NY

that I might tell you but she could not tell said she had once staid at JCHavilands and once at Samuel Willetts, but we thought her very pleasant. Isabella too looks as happy and good natured as when we used to see years ago and more fleshy.

    Sarah B has been here this evening, to tell us that 

AJDavis was there today and told them he should be married tomorrow at ten O’clock and would give them a call some time during the day or evening perhaps stay untill the next day if they did not get here till late. J and L ____ are thinking of going