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Kirby, Sarah. Letter to Amy Kirby Post
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Pg. 3 to the wedding. I wish ____ they had postponed their marriage untill your return it would have been so pleasant for all.
Mary Johnson found George all right I guess
and returned seventh day. She was willing she should they are expecting to commence cleaning the chambers tomorrow, Mary has been at Thomas’s untill tonight.
Naomi Halsted has been much worse since I wrote
called ____ and today is considerable better. her eyes look quite lively again and the whole face more natural Dr. tells her she will be down stairs in a few days + out of his care. Isaac says Jacob is not very well today.
Phebe Frost said there has been a great change in Priscillas
health since she saw her before she now prefers waiting on herself and goes up and down stairs quite nimbly. Phebe ____ likely she would come to Genesee Yearly meeting.
Thursday morning 15th I feel pretty slow this morning but Glenora
feels like going on with cleaning guess I shall not help much Isaac and Edmund appear as well as usual- busy cutting hair just now. I hope Catharine will conclude to come with you, it is very pleasant here now. the plumb and cherry trees look beautiful, loaded with fragrant blossoms. and the forest trees begin to cast shadows. I often find myself anticipating much pleasure when you return hearing about our many friends. Hope sister Amy will be careful as possible, and improve instead of getting sick this time don’t try to visit too many in too short a time.
Very affectionately Sarah