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Unknown writer. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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                                                                         3rd of 5th mo.

Dear sister

                  The time being near when EPW will

again leave us, reminds me of the short space that I have for writing to my sister, as Rachel is writing to Sarah. I hope she will excuse me this time have been with Edmund so little that we do not ^feel ready to spare him yet perhaps our greetings are so short in comparison to yours, that he cannot abide them, but as Gertrude said to Edward “he little knows what will ___ him yet” but I do not ^mean to convey discouragement by any means he seems so well satis fied, that it seems sometimes a wonder to me that some more of our young men do not incline to ^do likewise, in preference to living with old folks tell brother Isaac that we see no other way but (than) to give up and be old folks as our turn seems fast approaching and move the other end of the house when we get ready, no time ___ on for a commencement mother thinks of breaking up very shortly probably next week, after which she will be with us all together untill we separate. I expect she will bring us to it pretty soon she feels so anxious, uncle David has invited mother to go to Phila delphia Y.M.G. with him. I think she will decline I had felt a strong inclination to attend said meeting also, Lucretia wrote some time ago giving us an invitation since which they have concluded to go to England, which puts us quite on the back ground she also invited us to meet her in NY which I think we shall. ____ to sister Sarah I may say that I have just been reading Thomas Morris speech in reply to Henry Clay and that I think ___ is more good solid reasoning contained in it than there is in all Charlie Vincents. that murder story is so unpleasant