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Unknown writer. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Pg. 2 that I could not read many pages, I think it ougth to end well to compensate^for all the trouble and preamble of the commencement. have you read Morris speech? Do read it. Thomas Macy and wife came on again to Quarterly M.g. his wife does not come forth with her rosy cheeks as formerly, but pale and sallow___ attends his with a canser in the breast, she went to see aunt __ Powell, and took herbs, for the purpose of puryfing the system, are you acquainted with them? I should like __ thee could heard their conversation while hear one subject. I will mention and refer thee Edmund, Mary Jones (cross out) speaking of people being differently talented, as one person had a gift for preaching, another for singing, etc. Mary Jones said “that is what I wanted to hear explain’d, all still P.P. said come Thomas he looked around and said what is the question? Mary said, whether their is a talent for singing and whether it is right to cultivate it. he then said yes I think there is, and I believe it right to cultivate it at proper times and seasons that it had a solemnising effect; __ but not to the exclusion of other duties, and gifts. but when the mind was in that state of feeling, mother was present without comment. A thouth just now occurs whether Mary inherits her Dear mothers musical voice. how well I remem ber the delight she took in her childhood in amusing herself in that way, particularly while the spinning wheels were humming, but it could not be cherished in those days of constant labor, scarcely allowed just permitted while sitting their on mothers apron. grandmother would turn and say- as well as she loved it herself Mary I wonder at thee” 2nd day their seems many turnings and overturnings with us of late, yesterday after meeting we were prevail’d on to go down to Jericho to talk Philadelphia over and as Robert and Abby were calculating to attend that Y M.g. they ___ unity with our accompanying them