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Unknown writer. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.
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Pg. 3 we had felt that we could not go when James and Lucretia would be absent but they have so far removed the difficulties, as to induce us to think seriously of it. Rachel Hicks has a minute to attend I do not know what company she expects probably Maria, we gave a little offense to those two femals here last winter which I feel very sorry for indeed, they were here in the neighborhood making many visits, and at meeting R said to P.P. and myself, we think of being to your houses tomorrow at one place to dine, the other to lodge, as it may suit you? we left it to them to do as best suited their convenience, and James Haviland told John that Rachel _ expected to dine with his mother. we gave right up thinking it was their choice and intention thus to do. we set out a large table for we had much company that day beside, and those that calculated to be with us. took care of themselves to be then in ___ ___ ____, when they were about leaving, I ask’d ___ when our turn should come, she said I thought I was going to John ___ to dine today I told the folks all so that ___ were a going to John W___ I felt, but ^not knew not what to say, and stood speechless since when I hear they felt hurt, nor do I think it strange at all * have you heard George F. White has had long sickness and that his consti tuition has been injured by Calomel had ___ of the most emminent Physicians in the City. he is better tho feeble, this ___ Amy Rush____ she thinks her trials are great and many too, and feels at times as if, she cannot abide them, cousin Phebe has turns of crying and laying a bed sometimes when they have acted contrary to her judgement which renders it hard for her and all the rest Mary T. seems brisk and well as is usual very much attached to Gilbert and much inclined to have him with her. I think she —————-manages her boy better than A. R. does hers, although he manifests a strong will and does not talk, but understands when he is naughty she just takes him on her lap and holds him still untill he gives up. In the left hand margin-
- Don’t let these things that I have mentioned come here again