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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow
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(Page 26)
I call upon thy Name O Everlasting, out
of the bottom of the pitt.
Hear my voice stop not thine eares at my
sighing and at my loud shouting.
O be nigh unto mee when I call upon thee,
and say unto me, fear not.
Resh. to possess take thou in hand
my quarielle and get the possession of
mee byredemptionsaveing of mee [symbols] 2 Cor: 15
PS: 69.35.197. Jer: 25.51.50.
see how my right is abused & perverted
I am wronged and dispossessed, see me
righted [symbol] Aet: 7. Jer: 32. Mich: 7
markshould^thou^ their injuryies and their nets
to take mee [symbols] PS: 20.
Fight thou the Quarells of my soul, O Lord, and
redeem my life.
See, O Everlasting my wrong and Judge my right.
See all their Revenge and all their devises
against mee.
Shmn to change, repeat and iterat
hear how vile they reckon of mee
[symbols] How base I am repulsed.
they have no other thing in their
mouthes but skoffing of mee again
and again.
nothing can pleas them better than
songes to shame mee, which they
never give over. [symbol]
Hear all their reproches, their devises against me.
(Page 27)
The lips of my Insurrectors and their medi-
tations against mee dayly.
As often as they lye down, or rise up, behold,
I am their song.
Tav. A sigmfication ^term^ or limit by
a comparison; deaf cruelly w^ith^ them
& meet upon them their own measure
[symbols] Ro: 2.
give them ahardrepent&
a heard hart, and covered
[symbols] Exo: Ro: 2.7 Cor: 3.
PS: 17.
that they may never bee writ-
ten in the book of life, that they
may never see the light of Grace
and be accursed and famished fro^m^
the people of god for ever. [symbol]
[symbol] PS: 10.
Turn them a reward, O. Everlasting according to
the work of their handes.
Give them a walled hart and thy curl unto them.
Pursue with wrath and root them out from
under the heavens of the Everlasting.
Chap: 4.
This ABC showeth a preposterous estate
and that they must out seventy yeers for their
pollution: and feel all baser condition for a ^just^