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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow
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(Page 28)
just reward, as in Samee, and from the
letter gnayn [symbols]: ther is an intimation
of the later letter in the former to the
the same end of the rew, to shew the same,
shewing my also the future estate of Edom, that
wer glad with the fall of Jerusalem as PS: 137.
by the like tra[n]sferring all his wrath upon
them. Obadiah in a kinde of metaphore
of transformation or preposterous translation
and alteration ^or^ [illegible] of all that all goeth con- for transgressions
trary according to the nature of an enimy.
and for all kindes of adversity, hee useth
all manner of transfiguration in stile by
all the Tropes of contrariety or conversion.
Metonymy Irony or ^transcendent^ metaphore the Effect
for the Cause and contrary, [symbol] & et.
The Effect.
The ministry was faulty, and therefor it is
defaced, they brought the people in a wrong be-
leeff and therefor are despised. both priest and
people are blinded with security, while the Enimy
lurketh for opportunity and is as swift as and
is possible. the people are skatered and perish
and their king is taken [and all] to express the misery
of the famine citty for not yielding.
Chap: 4.
(Page 29)
Aleph a husband, a housholder,
Instruction, the shining Ministry
and cleerness of doctrine, howe
is it overcast? PS: 19. Pro: 20.
Eze: 28.
How is the Gold dimmed and the pleasant
glittering changed, the Holly stones are powr-
ed down at every streets end?
Beth a househousholdor cover
covered with gold Eze 28.
The honorable children of Zion [illegible] with
the finest gold, how are they esteemed for
erthen vessels? the work of the Potters
Ghimel, wayned, JS: 28. shee
is unnourished with the
word of God, and famished
for want of meat. Job: 30.39.
Yea, Dragons leaff their duggs and give
their whelps luck: the daughter of my
people is with the cruell like the Ostriches
in the wilderness.
Daleth a dore, emptyness, the
Children goe a begging, at
the dore.