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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow


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(Page 30)

The tong of the sucking childe cleeveth to the
rooff of his mouth for thirst, Infants ask
for bread and non reacheth it to them.

       He behold what an astonish-
ment and amasement, is it,
to feel strange an overthrow,
as princes to beg from doore
to dore? Sa: 2. PS: 113.

They that fed with delicate are destitude in
the streets, that they wer brought up upon
Scarlet, imbrace the dong hill.

        Vav. Hippue or conversive 
a hook; an overthrow with
out instrument, by sin it
self and abundance of ini
quity only. [symbol]

And the iniquity of my the daughter of my
People, is greater then the sin of Sodom,
that was overthrown in a moment, and
no handes wer pained with it.

         Zain to hear, her votaryes
wear the fairst the [illegible]
of all their ^youth^ for flesh and blood
Cant: 4. Nu: 6. both men
and women stand for proportion.

(Page 31)

Her Nazarites wer cleerer then snow, and
whiter then milk, they were in body ruddy
above the perles, and cutt like saphires.

        Cheth, to burn, or set on fire
their blod is gone, they bee
caled with famine and redy to
burn ^are^ lik dry wood for the fire
they are not to bee known
Ch: 5 ver: 10. Job: 30.

Their visage is is dark [illegible] a Kole and they
are not known in the streets; their skin
steeketh to their bones, and is as dry as
a stick.

       Teth, to give ^or^ abound, PS: 78. 
in the famine the slaine are better
word then the starved becaus
they are moyst with the refreshing
of the feeld. PS: 78. Zach: 10

The slaine by the sword, are better then the slain by
hunger, which beeing strok through, abound with y^e^
fruites of the field.

        Jod, a hand or ayd the exceeding
love of women doth been appear that
would spane ^dress^ their own children for meat
to retrieve the citty 27 2 Sa: 1.
an extremity of Gods wrath.

The handes of the pittifall women seeth their own children
and they wer meat for them in the breach of the daughter
of my people.

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