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An article summarizing Midge Costanza's speech at a Women's Hall of Fame Inc. ceremony at Rochester Institute of Technology
A letter from 10 year old Danny Cranston, where he includes handmade labels for Midge Costanza's Vice Mayor office
A newspaper article featuring a photo of Midge Costanza and a donkey at the Monroe County Fairgrounds
Two contrasting newspaper clippings covering Midge COstanza's resignation: one more critical and one more sympathetic
Midge Costanza at a march with members of the National Organization for Women (NOW), including Jean O'Leary and Ginny Foat
Midge Costanza posing in a TV studio, likely after her resignation from the White House and her move to California to find employment in the…
Midge Costanza, President Jimmy Carter, and two children in the Oval Office
Midge Costanza and members of the National Gay Task Force (NGTF) during their historic visit to the White House