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Two newspaper clippings from a pile of newpaper clippings saved in the Carl W. Peters Papers at the University of Rochester's Rare Books and Special…
Selections from Carl Peters' Scrapbook, 1915-1964
A WPA poster created by Erik Hans Krause, Federal Arts Project administrator in Rochester, NY. The poster promotes proper childcare and depicts a baby…
A portrait of Emily Sibley Watson, Rochester philanthropist and donor to the arts.
A postcard from 1913 showing the exterior of the Memorial Art Gallery building.
a photograph of a WPA project site in Rochester showing workers operating cement machinery.
A photograph of the Powers Building's exterior, from the Albert R. Stone Negative Collection
A print of Corinthian Hall, on Exchange Place (later Corinthian Street), in 1866.
A photograph showing the Erie Canal Aqueduct crossing the Genesee River in downtown Rochester, looking northwest. The photograph is from between 1888…
A photograph of Reynolds Arcade from 1920, from the Albert R. Stone Negative Collection.
A photograph of the Times Square Building, original headquarters of the Genesee Valley Trust Company, as seen looking west from Broad Street.
A photograph of the Upper Falls of the Genesee River from the Albert R. Stone Negative Collection.
Images of the murals "Indian Allen" and "White Woman of the Genesee" from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten.
Images of Carl Peters' murals "Active Life" and "Contemplative Life" from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten.
An image of Carl Peters' mural "The Early Days of the Erie Canal" from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten.
Images of the eight murals from the mural set "The History of the Lake Ontario Region," from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten. The…
Several photographs from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten. The book was originally published to accompany the Memorial Art Gallery…
Several studies for Carl Peters' WPA mural "Active Life," originally in Madison High School.
Several studies for Carl Peters' WPA mural "Contemplative Life," originally located in Madison High School.
Three studies for Carl Peters' WPA mural "White Woman of the Genesee," originally located at West High School. Two of the studies focus on specific…
Studies for Carl Peters' WPA mural "Indian Allen," originally for West High School. Two of these studies are focused on specific figures in the mural,…
Three studies for Carl Peters' "Science and Humanity" WPA mural for the Rochester Academy of Medicine. One depicts a rough plan for the entire mural,…
Four studies for Carl Peters' WPA mural, "The Early Days of the Erie Canal." This mural was in the Fairport Public Library, The studies show both the…
Study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "Triumph of the American Ideal," at Charlotte High School.
Study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "The French 1615-1763: The Explorer of the Genesee and Governor Denonville's Army," in Charlotte High School.
A study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "English Fleet at Charlotte" at Charlotte High School.
A study for Carl Peters' WPA mural at Charlotte High School, "Reverend René Gahnée - The First Map and Father Peter Raffeix."
A study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "The 19th Century," for the set of murals at Charlotte High School.
Two pages from a 1947 sketchbook of Carl Peters' depicting a woman's face and upper body.
A study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "American Settlers" at Charlotte High School.
A study for Carl Peters' WPA mural "Seneca-Iroquois" at Charlotte High School.
Two studies from Carl Peters' mural "Algonquin Fishermen." One depicts a rough sketch of the full mural, the second is a close up on the face of one…
A preparatory sketch for the set of murals at Charlotte High School titled "History of the Lake Ontario region." This sketch shows studies for "French…
A study for a group of 3 murals, depicting themes of rural labor vs. urban labor. May have been an early contept for the Fairport Library mural.
A sketch by Carl Peters depicting a rough map of the Lake Ontario region. Could be related to studies done for the Charlotte High School mural set.
Figure Study of a Native American, for "Rochester, Past, Present, and Future" Mural painted by Carl W. Peters for the Genesee Valley Trust Company.
A photograph of the Erie Canal waterfront in Fairport, N.Y., focused on the Fairport Lift Bridge.
Carl Peters' mural "The Early Days of the Erie Canal," painted for the building that was originally the Fairport Public Library, constructed as a WPA…
Rochester Chamber of Commerce, 100 Years: a century of commerce in Rochester (Peters Mural on Cover)
The cover of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce's book, "100 Years: a Century of Commerce in Rochester." The cover of this book features Carl Peters'…
A group of costumed people standing outside of a gallery building. Captioned "Art Gallery Costume ball, July 14th 1923." Likely from one of Carl…
Two unidentified children of Frederick and Louisa Peters at their home in Rochester, on 311 Meigs street.
The Frederick Peters family at their family farm between 1912-1914. Carl Peters is on the horse.
Carl W. Peters in his U.S. military uniform to fight in World War I, in 1917.
A group of artists, including Carl Peters, at work painting harbor scenes in Rockport, Massachusetts.
An image depicting part of Carl Peters' "Science and Humanity"mural for the Rochester Academy of Medicine as it was still in progress.
Carl W. Peter's first large-scale mural, titled "Rochester, Past, Present, and Future." Painted for the Genesee Valley Trust Company's headquarters in…
Carl Peters working on the mural "Algonquin Fishermen" for Charlotte High School's mural set, "The History of the Lake Ontario Region"
Carl W. Peters working on his mural "Seneca-Iroquois" for Charlotte High School from the mural set "The History of the Lake Ontario Region"
An unidentified assistant with Carl Peters' "Algonquin Fishermen" mural for Charlotte High School.
An unidentified assistant in front of Carl Peters' "Science and Humanity" mural for the Dr. John R. Williams Medical Museum at the Rochester Academy…
Two unidentified assistants sitting in front of Carl Peters' mural "American Settlers," which was part of the Charlotte High School mural set titled…
An unidentified assistant to Carl Peters standing with the set of murals titled The History of the Lake Ontario Region, painted to go in Charlotte…
Portrait photographs of Carl Peters during his younger years.
Photographs of Carl Peters with his wife, Blanche Peters.
A set of photographs of Carl Peters showing the painter in his later life, both outside and in his studio.
Photographs of Carl Peters' family farm in Fairport, New York. This includes his studio, which was added onto the property in the early 1920s.
Selected photographs of Carl Peters during the middle of his life.
Carl Peters painting the Science and Humanity mural for the Rochester Academy of Medicine (1941).
Headstone of Carl W. Peters, located in the Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Fairport, N.Y.
A set of rough, undated sketches from Carl W. Peters
An advertisement for Great Western Wines featuring a landscape painting by Carl William Peters.
A collection of small, unfinished watercolors by Carl W. Peters.
Selected pages from Carl Peters' Scrapbook of various photgraphs of paintings, newspaper clippings, and awards.