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Religious Meditations of John Eaton


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Secondly keep your affection within Compass, for when worldly have broke the Bounds of reason: you cannot imagin what will come of it, for them the grow infinite & boundles: give them one farm after another: one Country after another: Kingdome after Kingdome yet that will not do: It is so clear a truth: That it is Certain. That Man desires more then all: for if anyone person should have all the world: That Man would not be sattisfied: but would desire more, for why Mans end is something bigger then all the world. If this world were thee and of Mans happines, it would give him rest & sattisfaction: but since it will not do it: It is certainly evodant evident: That Man is made for something bigger then the world.

hence Learn two great instructions

First to bewail, The evill inclinations of your harts to worldly things: Wee are apt to over vallue Riches & the delights of the flesh, wee are apt to over vallue these things to much & to forget God: Take men in his Earthly inclinations & their is nothing but Earth in his hart: hee hath left the knowledge of God: The Center of Mans hart; is nothing els, but Earth, to Earth, This is the wombe where all this villainies of the world are Conceived: This is that which makes the heavens to looke black over our heads: This is that: which makes our hart to bleed: The lore of mony is called the roote of all evill

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57 Esa 17 for the iniquity of his Covetousnes was I wrok why is it called the iniquity of his Covetousness: It is called the iniquity of his Covetousness: because it is the roote of all other sins.


Take heed that you do not trust your harts, in their evill inclinations to worldly things, o where will our harts carry us, & what will become of us, if wee favour them in their evill inclinations to worldly things: The will Run over Reason: The will Run over Conscience Thee will run over Civility: The will over God the will over Scripture. The will Run over heaven & Run into hell: our harts are allwaies drawing after the world: and if wee do not looke to it the will draw us away from duty: The will draw to sin. The will draw us to shame: and if wee do not look & it the will draw us to the habbitations of Devills here after: Therefore keep short your affections & worldly things: this must be done if wee will arive safe to happines: and take heed of Covetousnes for a Mans life doth not Consist in the abundance of things that hee doth injoy: 13 Matt 22: Religion can never be sincere where mortification of worldly worldly is not.