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Thayer, Sarah E. Letter to Amy Kirby Post. (1869-01-01)

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and urges me to write but I have been to much out of health for
many tiny [illegible] as to unfit me for this work - now that I am so for
[illegible] to my normal self I shall be most happy again to be the mean
of [illegible] the dying [embus?] - I have just [send?] a letter firm [illegible] Sand
giving an [act?] of the voting of women at their late election it would
seem they had a [illegible] delegatin including Lucy Slino An [illegible] Brown &
Jackson Davis [illegible] my friend with 'd I had been there to put in my vote
as I fully intended to do - tho' I did not anticipate [illegible] [illegible] a demonstration
after all they did not count as men but we can afford to wait the
artist was on hand and made an imposing picture
Well I will try to [illegible] thee my present home. The Lake here
8 miles north of of Watkins (at the Head) 2 miles [illegible], the opposite bank,
cultivated to the very shore with the grape and farming which [illegible]
the landscape pleasant even in winter a waterfall is in view which
we hear plainly - The cars sounding the whistle and large steamboat
touching this landing during the mild season 4 times a day (now only
twice the canal boat occasionally with a small sail gliding by by and
untill checked by winter) a tiny now like a string of [illegible] beads [attacked?]
to Steams - this place has become more livily since the grape culture
and I S Chase of his sweep as the land is good and pro-
duces the finest grapes, I S Chase is one of the best of men and intend
to make this my permanent home while I am a visible inhabitant of this
[sphere?] - I have not found any resident [spintualist?] but I have a friend
Lucilia [Helloys?] at humans bury - & Jane Gibbons is only 10 miles east of this

- KR

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