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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Isabella Beecher Hooker, January 6, 1873
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Convention was for the specific purpose of battering(u) down(u) the walls of prejudice & precedent hedging(u) round(u) the ballot(u) box(u) - & all(u) our(u) guns(u) must [illegible] [illegible] that at theirs --I this rule & shall insist on - we must not be turned aside from the one(u) box(u) - & that of the ballot(u) - as we can reach more of the others only through(u) that(u) - My trials goes on slowly - [illegible] not in jail but in fact(u) only by a fiction of law - go before District Judge Hall on the 10th on Petition of Writ of Habeus Corpus - - I hope, by this process, to be able to reach (illegible rest of line] both routes have so many, almost(u) im-(u) probably (u) contingencies(u) - but the (doubts?) are many - Still I shall do my best to break [illegible] way through to that august & final tribunal- After trial, I intend to go direct to U. of. Phila. & thence to Washington- With deepest sympathy & love - S.B.A.