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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Isabella Beecher Hooker, January 6, 1873
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no amount of argument will avail - I do hope your dear husband may get physical(u) health(u) & strength - & you(u) too(u) - I wish every one of our best women had such good(u), sound(u), bodies(u) as(u) I(u) have(u) - I can't tell you how thankful I feel, every day - for mine- I haven't said a word to you about Washington - because I thought your not able to go - but I should dearly love to have, the good(u) argument(u) you(u) [illegible] make(u) - made in our Convention - if you do feel equal to it. We have Mrs Stanton, Mrs (Milhorn?), Mrs. (Gaye?) Miss Cousine, Mrs Lockwood & myself - - of Olympia, I am not quite sure but hope (u) for her - E. M Davis & his brother [illegible] Ron. Morris Davis [illegible] [illegible] - & I shall go on & try to get Old [illegible name] to make a speech for us - I have refused(u) every affiliation to speak on the marriage or any social questions [illegible] [illegible] brief, that this(u) Washington
transcribed by L Mueller '74N