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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Isabella Beecher Hooker, January 6, 1873

Rochester Jan. 6. 1873
My Dear Mrs. Hooker

Do not, I beg you, allow
your feelings to be wrought upon because
of another's falseness to facts or theories - it
is doubtless as much better to wait the
natural crisis of a moral disease,
as that of the physical (u) - & if there be
any truth in your old orthodox theory - it
is probably Gods purpose to give all these
people their wayward(u) heads(u) until
they shall have filled their own cups
to the brim with his wrath(u) - all the
parties connected with that fearful tragedy
seem to have put their heads together to
lie(u) through(u) the(u) whole(u) with a perfect(u)
God(u) & Truth(u) defying(u) spirit(u) - & they
must go their own way to destruction.
I(u) at least, cannot leave my life
work to try and set them(u) right - but
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I sure must

Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Isabella Beecher Hooker, January 6, 1873