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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Isabella Beecher Hooker, January 6, 1873
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feel more & more that I must push the work of breaking(u) the(u) political(u) chain(u) that binds all women in subjection to mean - all real(u) service(u) (need?) women to help renovate the great social(u) & moral(u) wrongs(u) of family(u) & society(u) - must wait women's(u) enfranchisement(u) - while she is practically a subject(u) & serf (and?) dependent on man for subsistence - "We might as well buy(u) the(u) moon(u)' - an essay to establish our equal(u) moral(u) code(u) for woman(u) - But you know & feel all this - So I pray you, do be (philosophical?0 - nay more - stoical if need be - and not waste one more breath on people whose faces(u) are(u) set(u) in an opposite direction - Your brain is too valuable to the world to be thus squandered, - I wish I could see you & comfort you - but do possess your soul in a heavenly calm - you(u) have(u) surely(u) tried(u) to do(u) right(u) - & that ought to comfort you - (let/set?) us (cease/ease?) to connect(u) those nearest(u) us(u) socially(u)- it is of no use - if our(u) every(u) day(u) life(u) doesnt((u) do(u) it(u)-