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[Contemporary engraving]. Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (London), Mar. 21, 1885. "The Mikado at the Savoy Theatre" by John Jellicoe.
[Contemporary engraving]. Vanity Fair (London), May 21, 1881."Patience" [W. S. Gilbert] by "Spy."
[Contemporary Engraving.] Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News (London), Feb. 26, 1887. "Ruddigore at the Savoy Theatre" by J. Jellico and H.…
[Imperial cabinet photograph]. London: Barraud, [1889]. Rutland Barrington as Giuseppe in the original production of The Gondoliers.
[Paper advertisement]. "The Crew of the Pinafore Buy Youngs Tobaccos and Cigars of Buttercup" (ca. 1879).
[Dissected picture puzzle.] New York: E.I. Horseman, n.d. (1885). Forty-five piece color lithographed cardboard puzzle of "Three Little Maids From…
'[Poster]. D’Oyly Carte Opera Company. London: Miles, (ca. 1920). Designed by H.M. Brock.
Seven foot poster in two sections depicting Ko-Ko from…
Seven foot poster in two sections depicting Ko-Ko from…
[Poster]. Mikado. [1913]. Designed by M. Schwarzer for a production at Kunstler-Theater, Munich. Printed by Dr. C. Wolf and Sohn.
[Program]. New York: Broadway Theatre, week ending Mar. 26, 1894. D'Oyly Carte's Opera Company in the first American production of Utopia Limited.
[Program]. London: Savoy Theatre, [Feb. 1894]. Original production of Utopia, Limited.
[Souvenir program]. London: Savoy Theatre, [ Jan. 1890]. Original production of The Gondoliers. Designed by Alice Havers.
[THE MAN WHO CRIED I AM.] "The King Alfred Plan." Boston: Little, Brown (1967).
[Trade card]. Gold Flake Tobacco. Windsor, Ont.: Globe Tobacco Works, (ca. 1879).
[Trade card]. Stock card advertising Dutchers Fly Killer. Philadelphia: Ledger Job Print, (ca. 1879).
[Trade card]. New York Miniature Opera Company. [New York]: N.p. (ca. 1879).
[Trade card]. Large stock card overprinted with advertisement for wall papers (ca. 1879).
[Trade card]. Fairbanks Clairette Soap (ca. 1885).
[Trade card]. Thompsons Patent Glove-Fitting Corsets. New York: Trautmann Bailey &
An excerpt from Li-Young Lee's Book of My Nights titled "The Bridge."
An excerpt from Li-Young Lee's Book of My Nights titled "Black Petal."
An excerpt from Li-Young Lee's Book of My Nights titled "The Hammock."
Handwritten theatrical script entitled Трійка гільтаїв, a lighthearted pastoral comedy about everyday life in a small village called Giltais. The…
An excerpt from Li-Young Lee's Book of My Nights titled "Degrees of Blue."
Envelope in which the November 14, 2000 manuscript of Book of My Nights was sent from Li-Young Lee to Thom Ward.
Photos of the small diary from Alcesta Huntington, with her handwriting.
1907 postcard depicting King Arthur and His Round Table Mardi Gras float
Two pages from the 1908 diary of Alcesta Huntington, now 71 years old.
A postcard from 1913 showing the exterior of the Memorial Art Gallery building.
Photos of Alcesta Huntington's diary when she was at boarding school at twelve years old.
A CONDITION OF CONFLICT. Original typescript, with author's corrections and additions. Uncollated sheets. An early version of Jacob's Ladder.
A Connecticut Fashionista in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court: Classics Illustrated, no. 24
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court (1949) Movie Poster.
A girl who belongs to the Knighthood of Youth
A Kid in King Arthur's Court lobby card (Spanish)/Aventuras en la Corte del Rey Arturo.
Lobby card for A Kid in King Arthur's Court/Aventuras en la Corte del Rey Arturo
A knight kneeling before the Grail Maiden, cover art for Stories of King Arthur and the Round Table, by Beatrice Clay
[Print]. New York: Tricorn Press Inc. [1948]. A Panorama of Gilbert &
D. Dalziel. A Parody on Patience. N.p.: Privately published, n.d. [1881]. Illustrations by H.W. McVickar. One of a series of four parodies of…
A scene from J. Comyns Carr's Tristram & Iseult
A scene from the 2013 Glimmerglass Festival production of Camelot
A STREET GUIDE TO AFRICAN AMERICANS IN PARIS. Belleville, Mich.: Belleville Lake Press (1996). Co-edited with Michel Fabre. First edition.
A Yankee at the Court of King Arthur
Handwritten letter from Mary C. Abbott to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Mary begs Amy to come and visit her and her family as they are very ill. The letter…
Handwritten letter from Mary C. Abbott to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Mary asks Amy to come and visit her as she is being afflicted due to her "spirit"…
Handwritten letter from Mary C. Abbott to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Letter details Mary‚Äôs visit to Amy‚Äôs house along with Amy‚Äôs sister to retrieve…
Handwritten letter from Mary C Abbott to Amy Kirby Post, January 12, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Mary C Abbott to Amy Kirby Post, August 20, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Mary C Abbott to Holland Richmond, August 13, 1867.
Abraham Verghese is a renowned physician, best-selling author, and Professor for the Theory and Practice of Medicine at the Stanford University School…
Several pages from the transcript of Susan B. Anthony's trial for voting in the 1872 presidential election.
ACHEBE, Chinua. Things Fall Apart. New York: Fawcett Premier Book (1969). First paperback edition, inscribed to Williams.
ACHEBE, Chinua. Typed letter, signed. 21 May 1987.
Images of Carl Peters' murals "Active Life" and "Contemplative Life" from the book "Art for the People," by Jessica Marten.
Ad for Doubl-Glo Holiday Decorations, using Merlin, Wart, and Archimedes from Disney's Sword in the Stone
Advertisement for A Knight in Camelot (1998), starring Whoopi Goldberg
The advertisement for the Anthony souvenir spoon appeared on page 3 of the program for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Rochester 1848 Woman's Rights…
Advertisement for Williams's speech on 24 February (1983?) as a part of the Paul Robeson Scholar Project at Livingston College, Rutgers University.
Advertisement for Williams's speech on 25 March (1983?) as a part of the Hall of Fame Celebrity Series at Bronx Community College.
[Advertisement]. Promotion in Variety of the 1999 film Topsy-Turvy for Academy Award nomination.
Advertising brochure for the television drama "The Sophisticated Gents" (1981), adapted from The Junior Bachelor Society.
Advertising publication by R. H. Russell & Son of reproductions of and commentary on the Edwin Austen Abbey Grail murals.
[Advertising souvenir]. New York: Squires Bros., [1885]. Mikado. Illustrated paper napkin. Gilberts lyrics surround an advertising parody verse.
Red linen finish cloth binding stamped in ochre and gold
Handwritten letter from S B ? Agiss to Willet E Post, December 23, 1865.
Handwritten letter from Stephen Howard Ainsworth to Amy Kirby Post, January 26, 1851.
Author of Out of Eden: An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion, Alan Burdick will discuss his latest book. Burdick writes for numerous publications…
Handwritten letter from D S Aldrich Jr to Amy Kirby Post, March 29, 1881.
Green linen finish cloth binding pictorially stamped in pink, brown, white, black and gold
Linda Allardt, literature, for The Names of the Survivors , a volume of poems (Ithaca, N.Y.: Ithaca House).
“Without time, we cannot learn. Without time, we cannot heal.” -Allen Kurzweil
Novelist, journalist, teacher, and inventor, Allen Kurzweil shares his…
Handwritten letter from Lydia Allen to Sojourner Truth. Allen writes about her health and recent family events.
Handwritten letter from Sarah J Alsop to Amy Kirby Post, August 19, 1864.
For much of the Victorian era, girls were encouraged only to copy artwork, not to draw from life. Here, Ruth Sibley Gade (1878-1977), Emily Sibley…
America's Independent Electric Light and Power Companies ad, using Guinevere
American Book Award, 1983. Presented to Williams by the Before Columbus Foundation for "excellence in Literature."
American Book Award, the Before Columbus Foundation, 1998.
AMISTAD 1. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1970). First edition, copy proof.
AMISTAD 1. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1970). First edition. Cover art by Romare Bearden
AMISTAD 2. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1971). First edition, copy proof.
AMISTAD 2. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1971). First edition. Cover art by Sam Middleton.
An interview with Williams about CAPTAIN BLACKMAN:
An interview with Williams about CAPTAIN BLACKMAN: Williams discusses race and World War II
Andrew Scull has held faculty appointments at the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, and the University of California--San Diego, where…