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AMISTAD 1. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1970). First edition. Cover art by Romare Bearden
AMISTAD 1. Co-edited with Charles F. Harris. New York: Random House (1970). First edition, copy proof.
Williams with Charles F. Harris at the Random House reception for Amistad.
Williams and Achebe, Lagos, Nigeria. January 1965.
POLITICAL BUTTON, Poor People's campaign.
Williams holding artist Bill Hutson's design (never used) for the dust jacket of The Man Who Cried I Am. 1972.
Vol. 2 (Fall 1959).
Vol. 2 (Fall 1959).
Bulgaria, 1939
Country of origin: Bulgaria.
Poster for distribution of the 1939 Universal Pictures film. Cyrillic text. USA Film. Gilbert and…
Country of origin: Bulgaria.
Poster for distribution of the 1939 Universal Pictures film. Cyrillic text. USA Film. Gilbert and…
The Mikado Reclaimed, Austin, TX, 2016
Country of origin: USA.
The Mikado: Reclaimed. Presented by Generic Ensemble Company and The Vortex in…
Country of origin: USA.
The Mikado: Reclaimed. Presented by Generic Ensemble Company and The Vortex in…
Color poster. Mikado Inc. Inspired by Gilbert Sullivan's "The Mikado." Lyrics by Albert Evans. Book by
Jane Waterhouse. Musical supervision…
Jane Waterhouse. Musical supervision…
"THE NEW YORK STATE FAIR," in Flashbacks: A Twenty-Year Diary of Article Writing. Anchor Press (1974).
Business Card: "J. Williams / 327 W. 85th St. New York 24, N.Y. / Public Relations / Marketing / Promotion / Advertising." 1955.
Williams with sons Dennis and Gregory. (1957?)
"SLUGGERS." Photograph of sons Dennis and Gregory. Syracuse, N.Y. 1952.
Color poster designed for The Stephen Joseph Theatre Company in The Mikado. By W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Adapted and directed by Chris Monks.…
Color poster. The Black Mikado by W.S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan: James Verner by arrangement with
Picadilly Plays LTD. In association with Paula…
Picadilly Plays LTD. In association with Paula…
A digitized and recolored image of the original Ukrainian Rochester Collection logo stamp made by Mirko Pylyshenko. Added as an item in order to use…
Handwritten theatrical script entitled Трійка гільтаїв, a lighthearted pastoral comedy about everyday life in a small village called Giltais. The…
With Cousin Arnetha Smith Cook, left, and wife Carolyn Clopton Williams, right. Taken on Williams's honeymoon at the Club DeLisa in Chicago. 1947.
Williams with friend Eric Simmons in Thornden Park, Syracuse, N.Y. Summer 1946.
Williams, far left, in Oakland, Calif. Early 1946.
Callaloo #21. Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring-Summer 1984); 83-85.
Callaloo #21. Vol. 7, No. 2 (Spring-Summer 1984); 83-85.
US Congressman Frank Horton presents Rocky with American flag.
Photo by Long’s Photography Studio, 306 Joseph Avenue, Rochester.
Photo by Long’s Photography Studio, 306 Joseph Avenue, Rochester.
Author photo for Li-Young Lee given by Peter Conners, BOA Executive Director.
Li-Young Lee attending and leading BOA's annual Dine & Rhyme fundraiser in 2013.
Rocky Simmons with the football team he coached in Rochester.
Southern Negro league team, Rocky Simmons at right.
Rochester American Giants in the dugout of the Buffalo Bison’s home park. Rocky Simmons is standing in the middle with Alpheus Vallot in hat, circa…
Rocky Simmons, at right, as manager of the Utica Monarchs.
Excerpts from Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow, written in August, 1626.
A collection of meditations written in August, 1626 lamenting the destruction of Jerusalem and the livelihoods of its people in relation to God.…
pages 225-284 (8"x 6")
Seated, left to right: Albert H. Mixer, Asahel C. Kendrick, President Martin B. Anderson, Isaac F. Quinby, Samuel A. Lattimore
Standing, left to…
Standing, left to…
Copy has presentation inscription to Rossetti, on fly-leaf, signed William Morris
Purple cloth binding stamped in blind and gold with pictorial vignette on covers
Blue cloth binding stamped in blind and gold with pictorial vignette on cover
Blue patterned sand grain cloth binding, stamped in blind, black and gold
Bound in blue-green morocco grain cloth stamped in blind and gold
Cover and spine engraving by John Feely [signed JF]
Bound in plum diagonal fine rib cloth with overall floral and seaweed ribbon-embossed pattern
In this letter, a Belgian citizen soldier writes against conscription, recommending that Lincoln announce the abolishment of slavery.
In this letter addressed to Lincoln and his cabinet, the 'many citizens of Florida' want more troops deployed to defend the Union against the rebels.
The Susan B. Anthony souvenir spoon was available in four styles: tea, coffee, orange, and bon-bon, with gilt or plain bowl.
Screenshot, navigation of original Gilbert and Sullivan: From London to America digital exhibit
The portrait reads, "Yours for liberty, Abigail Scott Duniway"
This postcard features the Adams, Massachusetts birth place of Susan B. Anthony.
The Madison Street Rochester home of Susan B. Anthony is featured in this postcard. Ms. Anthony may be standing on the porch.
In this postcard, Susan B. Anthony is seated at her desk.
A relatively young Susan B. Anthony looks out from this postcard, which includes no text.
This postcard contains an image of Susan B. Anthony and is otherwise blank.
This postcard contains an image of Susan B. Anthony reading is titled, "Failure is impossible." The following quote says, "If I have lived to any…
Ida Wells Barnett was a friend of Susan B. Anthony and, when visiting in Rochester, stayed at the Anthony home.
This colorized postcard contains both an image and a quote from Susan B. Anthony.
The Susan B. Anthony souvenir spoon was available in four styles: tea, coffee, orange, and bon-bon, with gilt or plain bowl.
The advertisement for the Anthony souvenir spoon appeared on page 3 of the program for the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Rochester 1848 Woman's Rights…
After her death, the photograph was designated by the NAWSA as the official portrait of Anthony and copies were sold to raise funds for the suffrage…