The Youth Organizer
“Rocky saw many young people coming to Family Court and it troubled him. He wanted to know why and how he could help. Being a man who loved sports, he saw a way to get the youth involved. Rocky enlisted the help of family and friends Judge Caroline Branch and Mr. John Branch, Sheriff Al Skinner, and Mayor Steven May and co-workers in the Court. They sponsored baseball, basketball, football and track teams. These young people learned the skills of teamwork, self-discipline, and self-respect and most of all how to treat others. For those who did not play sports, he organized talent shows, beauty pageants.”
--Roxie Simmons Sinkler
Beauty Queen sponsored by the Sepia Club, 1962. Photo by Rocky Simmons.
Rocky Simmons receives Public Service Award plaque from the Rochester Life Underwriters. Mr. Hills and Miss Rivers both teachers in the Automotive Annex, Rochester School District Occupational High School, and their students look on. Today the Rochester Association of Minority Police supports the Steven Wynder “Rocky” Simmons Scholarship Fund. Photo Division Public Information, City of Rochester, Ernest Amato, photographer, June 19, 1970.
Beauty Pageant contestants, May 1969.
Photo by Rocky Simmons.
Girls’ basketball team coached by Rocky Simmons. Baden Street Center, Rochester, 1950s. Photograph by Rocky Simmons.
Whiz Kids basketball team coached by Rocky Simmons. Baden Street Center, Rochester, 1950s. Top row, left to right: Josh Jeffries, John Beckley, James “Junior” Johnson, Claude Griffin, Charles Felton, and Robert “Doc” Turner. Front row, left to right: unidentified, David Hatcher, Ira Johnson, Charlie Brown, Tommy Watson. Child in front: Tyrone Carroll.
Paster, Howard. “He’s One-Man Entertainment Bureau for Kids” in Rochester Democrat and Chronicle July 26, 1965.