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Handwritten letter from Abby G Chase to Amy Kirby Post, April 28, 1869.
Chase writes of war updates as reported in the Richmond newspaper.
Blue glazed cloth pictorially stamped in gold
Carl Chiarenza, Fanny Knapp Allen Professor Emeritus of Art History and artist-in-residence at the College, photography, for an exhibit of large-scale…
Black Writers Hall of Fame, Chicago State University, 1998.
Chick writes of his support for the president.
Handwritten letter from Lydia Maria Francis Child to Harriet Brent Jacobs. Child writes her assessment of Jacobs’s slave narrative manuscript.
Handwritten letter from Lydia Maria Francis Child to Harriet Brent Jacobs. Child writes to Jacobs about the benefits of publishing her slave narrative…
Dave Chisholm is a trumpet player, songwriter, composer, bandleader, educator, and visual artist.
He is the writer and illustrator of the 2009 graphic…
Handwritten letter from E S Choate to Amy Kirby Post, August 28, 1863.
Handwritten letter from John S Clackner to Isaac Post, July 7, 1849.
Handwritten letter from A Clark to Isaac Post, January 2, 1865.
Handwritten letter from A Clark to Amy Kirby Post, August 27, 1867.
Handwritten letter from A Clark to Amy Kirby Post, February 6, 1868.
Clark, an unsuccessful applicant for the consulship to Acapulco, now seeks the position in Tahiti.
Kenneth Patchen's art is the subject of Jonathan Clark's lecture, "Extending the Medium of Words: The Graphic Art of Kenneth Patchen," the first of…
Handwritten letter from Henry Clayton to Amy Kirby Post, October 21, 1838.
Handwritten letter from Henry Clayton to Amy Kirby Post, December 22, 1838.
Cleveland writes of the predicament of his son, a volunteer in the army, who is a "slave within your lines."
Cleveland continues with the plight of his soldier son.
Handwritten letter from Emma R Cob to Amy Kirby Post, 1853.
"Rachel Cohen has created a masterpiece of variety and balance in her first book" are the words used to describe A Chance Meeting: Intertwined Lives…
Handwritten letter from Iand Coleman to Isaac Post, November 15, 1857.
[Souvenir program]. Bijou Theatre, Boston, Apr. 18, 1883. The 150th Performance of Collier's Standard Opera Company in Iolanthe
Handwritten letter from Dennis E Collins to Amy Kirby Post, March 12, 1873.
Handwritten letter from Henry Collins to Isaac Post, November 8, 1847.
Handwritten letter from Henry Collins to Amy Kirby Post, November 7, 1854.
Handwritten letter from Henry Collins to Amy Kirby Post, May 2, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Henry Collins to Amy Kirby Post, May 18, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Henry Collins to Amy Kirby Post, January 19, 1867.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, December 27, 1853?
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, February 17, 1857.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, March 5, 1857.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, August 7, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhali Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, October 11, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, December 2, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Lucy Newhall Danforth Colman to Amy Kirby Post, October 10, 1869.
Handwritten letter from G Colpwell? to unknown recipient, September 28, 1859.
Handwritten letter from Ann M. Comstock to unknown recipient, May 27, 1839.
Handwritten letter from Thomas N Conant to James Long, October 23, 1864.
The Legend of King Arthur and the Round Table (1986). A pop-up book conceived by Graham Brown and Michael Wells and illustrated by Nick Williams,…
Handwritten letter from I B ? Conklin to Isaac Post, April 26, 1856.
As a young man, Garrard Conley, the son of a Baptist pastor in a small Arkansas town, was terrified and conflicted about his sexuality. When he was a…
After a decade of exclusively writing nonfiction books about music and counterculture, the pandemic pushed Conners back into writing prose poetry. In…
Handwritten letter from Margaret Connit to Amy Kirby Post, January 16, 1866.
COOKE, Dana L. Typed letter signed to Dennis and John A. Williams. 13 March 1992.
Cover design by Sarah Wyman Whitman. Presentation inscription: "Elizabeth G. Coleman, Feb. 10th, 1886"
Handwritten letter from Eliza M Cooper to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Cooper gives Amy Post details of her husband's recent death and inquires about…
Handwritten letter from Eliza M Cooper to Amy Kirby ? Post, October 24, 1864.
Handwritten letter from Joseph Cooper to Amy Kirby Post, February 16, 1870.
[Print]. New York: Tricorn Press Inc. [1948]. A Panorama of Gilbert &
Handwritten letter from Margaret Cormit to Amy Kirby Post, November 26, 1868.
Handwritten letter from Walter ? Cornell to Amy Kirby Post, August 24, 1872.
Handwritten letter from Betsey Mix Cowles to Amy Kirby Post, 185-?
Handwritten letter from Betsey Mix Cowles to Amy Kirby Post, 185-?
Handwritten letter from Betsey Mix Cowles to Amy Kirby Post, December 1, 1850.
Often dismissed as feminine busywork, the needle arts have long been taken up by activists. Abolitionists and suffragists raised funds by selling…
The Hero's Life: Its Worth and Its Costs: Meliora Weekend 2001 will feature Richard Ben Cramer. Mr. Cramer, who often writes about baseball and…
A letter from 10 year old Danny Cranston, where he includes handmade labels for Midge Costanza's Vice Mayor office
Local poet Adelaide Crapsey (1878-1914) was a pioneer of 20th-century modernism. Inspired by the Japanese haiku and driven by her impending death from…
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E ? Post, December 7, 1893.
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E Post, December 17, 1893.
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E Post, February 20, 1894.
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E Post, March 5, 1894.
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E Post, June 21, 1894.
Handwritten letter from S C Crittenden to Willet E Post, July 29, 1894.
Handwritten letter from Julia Griffiths Crofts to Amy Kirby Post, n.d.
Handwritten letter from Julia Griffiths Crofts to Amy Kirby Post, October 16, 1852?
Tan linen finish cloth binding pictorially stamped in white, green, red, black and gold
Blue glazed cloth binding stamped in green and gold
Handwritten letter from Thomas Crozier to Amy Kirby Post, November 29, 1869.
Developing New Plays and Musicals: A fitting "wrap" for the season is Mark Cuddy, artistic director of GEVA Theatre. Mr. Cuddy made his acting debut…
Handwritten letter from Jennie F Culver to Isaac Post, February 25, 1864.
Presentation inscription: "To Thomas Carlyle, esq., with the best respects of Allan Cunningham"
The Grail, painting by Cyril Walter Hodges, from New Tales from Malory by G. B. Harrison
Handwritten letter from P R D___ to Amy Kirby Post, 182-?
[Illustrated sheet music]. "The Pirates of Penzance Waltz." Arranged by Charles DAlbert. London: Chappell &
[Program]. New York: Standard Theatre, Mar. 3, 1882. Patience. R. D'Oyly Carte's Opera Comique Company.
In this lecture, Catherine D’Ignazio, Assistant Professor of Urban Science and Planning and Director of the Data + Feminism Lab at MIT and Lauren F.…
[Contemporary engraving]. The Daily Graphic. New York: Mar. 1, 1879. "The Pinafore Crisis." Contemporary cartoon depicting Pinafore Fever. "H.M.S.P.:…
The Daily Telegraph. St. John, N.B. (Canada), Jan. 8, 1884. The sole front page news article reports the London premiere of Princess Ida.
Daily writes to the president about the appointment of Dr. Charles S. Henry for the position of Assistant Quartermaster U.S.A.
Handwritten letter from Caroline Wells Healey Dall to Amy Kirby Post, June 14, 1876.
Danesi will explore why puzzles have emerged in human cultures ina talk entitiled "The Function of Puzzles in Human Life." Starting with the Riddle…
Bound in light brown glazed cloth with printed yellow title label on front board. Bookplate: "Library of Geore F. Danforth, Rochester, N.Y., J. D. M."
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, January 2, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, July 22, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, August 1, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Susie ?, November 11, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Isaac ? Post, January 24, 1867.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, February 16, 1867.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby ? Post, May 19, 1867.
Handwritten letter from Cora L V Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, July 14, 1867.
Handwritten letter from Mr C ? Daniels to Isaac Post, February 16, 1867.
Handwritten letter from N W Daniels to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. Daniels tells of a recent lecture by his wife Cora and requests that Amy Post write in the…
Email sent from Daphne Poulin-Stofer to BOA editor, Steve Huff regarding book cover design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee
An early draft of the book cover for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee, artwork done by Daphne Poulin-Stofer
An early draft of the hardcover design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee, artwork done by Daphne Poulin-Stofer
Final published hardcover design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee; cover design by Daphne Poulin-Stofer, cover art by Stephen Carpenter
Final published hardcover design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee; cover design by Daphne Poulin-Stofer, cover art by Stephen Carpenter
Handwritten letter from C. A. Darling to Sojourner Truth. This letter is one of a number of responses Truth received after placing an advertisement in…
Handwritten letter from Ira Erastus Davenport to Amy Kirby Post, August 11, 1867.
Lady of the Lake with Excalibur
Opening letter from copyeditor David Caligiuri to Li-Young Lee regarding Caligiuri's edits on Book of My Nights
Handwritten letter from N W Davies to Isaac Post, September 3, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Andrew Jackson Davis to Isaac ? Post, n.d.
Handwritten letter from Andrew Jackson Davis to Isaac Post.
Handwritten letter from Andrew Jackson, Davis to Isaac Post, March 4, 1854.
David Davis writes to the president with two suggestions for candidates for judgeships.
Handwritten letter from Mary Penn Davis to Amy Kirby Post, January 16, 1870.
Handwritten letter from Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis to [?] Coe, n.d. Davis describes the preparations for an upcoming woman's rights convention.
Handwritten letter from Paulina Kellogg Wright Davis to Amy Kirby Post, February 12, 1844. Davis writes to Post about a recent anti-slavery fair.
Maroon cloth binding pictorially stamped in yellow, gray, blue, white and gold
Purple vertical rib cloth binding stamped in green and gold
Blue diagonal rib cloth binding stamped in gold with chromolithograph by Frederic Dorr Steele onlay
Handwritten letter from EDW F. Davison to Ruden Post, October 11, 1911.
Handwritten letter from Rhoda De Garmo to Amy Kirby Post, n.d. De Garmo asks in a very brief note that Amy send some notes to other Quaker meetings.
Handwritten letter from Phebe B Dean to Amy Kirby Post, October 3, 1865.
Handwritten letter from Phebe B Dean to Isaac Post, March 19, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Phebe B Dean to Amy Kirby Post, August 22, 1866.
Handwritten letter from Phebe B Dean to Amy Kirby ? Post, April 20, 1867.