Illustrating Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

These similarities were sometimes spelled out even more explicitly in the illustrations drawn by Dan (Daniel Carter) Beard (1850-1941) for the first edition of the novel, illustrations with which Twain was very pleased and in which Merlin, the representative of medieval superstition, is given the face of Tennyson. Beard’s illustrations called attention to the parallels between the feudal system in sixth-century Britain, in which those who do the work receive little profit, and both slavery in the South before the Civil War and the capitalism of robber barons in the late nineteenth century. A number of later artists have provided interesting illustrations for Connecticut Yankee, but no one has done it with the social awareness and satirical flair of Dan Beard.


Inscription by Dan Beard in A Connecticut Yankee of King Arthur's Court.

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All text for Visualizing Camelot © by Alan Lupack and Barbara Tepa Lupack, 2023-2024.