Putting it All Together

Putting it All Together - hardcover draft (93:5).jpg

Hardcover draft of Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee.

Above, three documents give insight to the logistical side of publishing Book of My Nights. The email from cover artist Daphne Poulin-Stofer to editor Steve Huff is a compilation of honest opinions and explanations of Poulin-Stofer's creative vision. "Bigger and bolder is not always better," she says. It is her well-spoken nature and descriptive reasoning that allows for her creative choices to shine through. 

The second piece is a letter Huf sent to printing company McNaughton & Gunn about the physical publishing of Book of My Nights with specific instructions. The instructions include type of materials used, quantity of books, size of book, and more. In simpler terms,  perfectbound books produce "paperback" books while casebound books produce "hardcover" books. The latter's process is more extensive, taking longer and costing more money. The last piece is a simple form that BOA used to compile marketing information to advertise Book of My Nights. Note the selling points and marketing information section.

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Final paperback design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee.

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Final hardcover design for Book of My Nights by Li-Young Lee.