Alma Burner Creek
"Alma Burner Creek, one of the organizers of the Friends of Mt. Hope Cemetery, and its first president, died on February 7, 1985. She was a member of the Board of Trustees and first vice-president at the time of her death…. She introduced Heritage Day, the anniversary of the dedication of the cemetery, the opening of the gatehouse in winter as a warming station for hikers and skiers, and was an enthusiastic and available guide to all kinds of groups from school children to city officials, and was the first editor of the Friends Newsletter."
"By profession she was a librarian in the Rare Books Division of the University of Rochester where she was responsible for organizing the Ellwanger & Barry and Bragdon papers. She was the author of several articles and compiled a bibliography of maps of Western New York which was published by the Rochester Regional Research Library Council."
The Friends of Mt. Hope Cemetery Newsletter,
Spring 1985
Alma Burner Creek on the steps of Rush Rhees Library.