- The Plutzik Series: 60 Years of Poetry, Fiction, & Conversation
- Jarold Ramsey's Introduction to the 1982 Plutzik Exhibition
- Chronology of Hyam Plutzik's Life
- Family and Education
- The Writer as a Young Man
- Plutzik During the Second World War
- Aspects of Proteus
- Apples from Shinar
- Horatio
- Poems Uncollected or Unpublished
- The Prose of a Poet
- The Poet at Work
- A Poet of the Atomic Age
- The Performer
- Music and Art
- Plutzik and Judaism
- A Poet and His City
- A Poet and His University
- Death and Tributes
- Legacy
- Recognition
- Credits
It is in that 1982 exhibition that this online exhibit has its roots. It maintains much of Professor Ramsey’s commentary and organization, which, given the eloquence of its presentation and the sense given of the man’s life, contains little on which we need improve. The exhibits in 2011 and 2012 were researched and curated by Phyllis Andrews, and mounted by Leah Hamilton.
As always, we gratefully acknowledge the help of Mrs. Tanya Plutzik and the rest of the Plutzik family, the Plutzik-Goldwasser Family Foundation, Edward Moran, and the faculty of the English Department, past and present.
The 1982 catalogue and exhibition were made possible through the generous support of the following contributors:
Mr. John A. Allen
Mr. Neil Baldwin and family
Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Bowdler
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Christopher
Mr. Wilford ]. Clicquennoi
Mr. David Diamond
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Duberman, in memory of Mary Roth Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Fiedler
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Futterman Mrs. Margaret R. Gilman
Dr. David Glenwick
Greece Central School District. The Buckman Heights Faculty Association (Ms. Jill Dohse) Greece Central School District. Staff of the School Psychologist, in memory of Mary Roth (Ms. Linda Bean)
Max E. Greenberg, Canto & Reiss
Mr. Donald Hall Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Heggeness
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holland
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham]. Karp
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kirschbaum, in memory of Mary Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kurland
Mr. Sol M. Linowitz Mr. Elmer Louis
Ms. Julia E. Michaelsen, in memory of Mary Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Pagano
Ms. Frances Payne
Mr. Alan R. Plutzik
Ms. Deborah Sue Plutzik
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Plutzik
Mrs. Hyam Plutzik
Mr. Jonathan Plutzik
Mr. and Mrs. David Price
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Reiss, in memory of Sadie Plutzik
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Roth, in memory of Mary Roth
Mr. Bernard N. Schilling
Mrs. Susan Schilling
Mr. and Mrs Gouq-Jen Su
Mrs. Elmer Suhr
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Utaro
Mrs. Tillie L. Venes
Mrs. J. S. Watson
Mr. and Mrs Richard P. Wilbur